Unlimited Gain Experience

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Unlimited Gain Experience
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2643
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-07-16 07:29:03
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i haven't tried personally, but i can't imagine a new character can cap sparks very fast(you don't have any of the exp boosts from rhapsodies and you're limited to starter zones), in the likely event that it takes hours to cap then you're still worse off than you would be farming real content on a 99

but i'm certainly not defending it staying, just doesn't seem like a big deal either way to me
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-07-16 08:12:51
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Would you get a new copper voucher every time? That increases usefulness pretty dramatically.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2643
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-07-16 08:26:53
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once per objective until server resets it, so only 1 from gain exp per 2.5 days or w.e
By RadialArcana 2021-07-16 08:59:53
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The people that moderate the official forum barely play ffxi and if they do they have no idea what a hacked packet etc means

This isn't a western mmorpg where the actual developers would read it and get what is being said.
Posts: 13938
By Pantafernando 2021-07-16 09:10:06
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You cant provide much technical information publicly otherwise they will take it down, be in OF or FFXIAH.

In theory you could provide images, but given the nature of the issue, its not easy to demonstrate it in images.

Also, its categorized as a bug, but its not a bug as you cant natively reproduce it without third party tool.

Its not quite fair asking developers to fix flaws on their system, when the problem isnt the flaw per se, but the people exploiting the flaw, that isnt even available that easily.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-07-16 09:13:46
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The bug is that packets consistently alter the game and never gets fixed.

But I see what you're trying to say. It's not a bug it's a vulnerability open to many many exploits.
By RadialArcana 2021-07-16 09:32:06
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By Draylo 2021-07-16 09:37:19
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Of course, that pop up every year pretty much. The next time will be the same thing, with the usual suspects coming out acting smug they hid a "secret" that they abused so long or that they knew of before the common folk. Then SE will do their ban waves to pretend they are in control and we go on our way until the next one. Even now this thread is barely getting traction compared to the last few, even given how badly this one hurt the game before sparks nerf. What happened to all the anti cheating crew lol. Most are desensitized to this already I guess.
Posts: 13938
By Pantafernando 2021-07-16 09:50:08
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I guess the anti-cheating crew got banned for… cheating….
By Shichishito 2021-07-16 09:56:47
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what sense would it make to argue against banworthy cheats on FFXIAH while using them yourself?
as draylo already mentioned it's the same ***, different color and you can only get worked up over the same issue so many times.

MMOs, even the cheaters get away with copy/paste.
Posts: 1346
By Mattelot 2021-07-16 11:26:39
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Shichishito said: »
what sense would it make to argue against banworthy cheats on FFXIAH while using them yourself?
as draylo already mentioned it's the same ***, different color and you can only get worked up over the same issue so many times.

MMOs, even the cheaters get away with copy/paste.

Arguing about banworthy cheats in a place with several who use them in general isn't a good idea.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-07-16 11:48:26
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Well, now he did it right. No point linking/liking, it's bug post. Either accepted or not.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tesahade
Posts: 573
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2021-07-16 11:50:05
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Pantafernando said: »
Its not quite fair asking developers to fix flaws on their system, when the problem isn't the flaw per se, but the people exploiting the flaw, that isn't even available that easily.

That argument is like saying a bank doesn't need better security to prevent a robbery, a 90 year old guard and no cameras is fine... people shouldn't be robbing banks anyway.

I am not sure how this would not qualify as easily available, you dont need windower or ashita to take advantage of these flaws, or to be a wizard of the programming arts.

The server trusts the client far more than any sane software should. wither it be what equipment is in what slots, the items in a trade are valid, or if you can select a certain RoE. They work under the assumption that if they block a menu/interaction on the client side that is all that needs to be done.
By RadialArcana 2021-07-16 12:05:58
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Fenrir.Niflheim said: »
The server trusts the client far more than any sane software should

sadly this is because of the data cap limit i would think
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-07-16 12:08:10
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It's just laziness, it shouldn't be the size of the packet, just that there is literally no verification for the packets.

Anything you tell the game, it blindly agrees.
Posts: 13938
By Pantafernando 2021-07-16 12:25:40
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I wouldnt say lazyness but design choice.

You either implement a control in server side, then you gonna consume server capacity to execute those checks, or you implement in client side, then all those verifications are done using client computer resources.

It should be justifiable to leave alone “small” cheats/exploits that wont have a massive impact to common playerbase than implement a check everytime you open a menu, or every 4 hours when the RoE changes, just because someone is hitting a spark/acc cap 1~2h faster.

Or maybe just that gaming programming evolved in such way that while such checks can be done painlessly in modern games, it would have a higher cost for a ps2 era game. Its not impossible someone having to work with a 20 years code that just continuously grow, where probably many snippets with unknown effects are there, and its just safer leaving major changes in client side.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Xurion
Posts: 694
By Bismarck.Xurion 2021-07-16 13:29:47
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Pantafernando said: »
I wouldnt say lazyness but design choice.
Knowing some questionable software engineering practices, as well as forced hard deadlines (like most games companies), yeah it's a design choice, albeit an implicit one.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tename
Posts: 535
By Asura.Arico 2021-07-16 14:55:24
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
used to have code specifically blacklisting those roes so it didn't try to flag them

Still does.

Asura.Eiryl said: »
The bug is that packets consistently alter the game and never gets fixed.

I mean I guess. "Packets" aren't altering the game. Packets are sent thousands of times an hour.

Fenrir.Niflheim said: »
The server trusts the client far more than any sane software should. wither it be what equipment is in what slots, the items in a trade are valid, or if you can select a certain RoE. They work under the assumption that if they block a menu/interaction on the client side that is all that needs to be done.

This has been 99% of exploits.

Pantafernando said: »
Or maybe just that gaming programming evolved in such way that while such checks can be done painlessly in modern games, it would have a higher cost for a ps2 era game. Its not impossible someone having to work with a 20 years code that just continuously grow, where probably many snippets with unknown effects are there, and its just safer leaving major changes in client side.

I don't think that's the case. Their server hardware is modern(ish) so they would have need to have done some changes to it to make that happen.

Pantafernando said: »
I wouldnt say lazyness but design choice.
It's laziness/bad programming. There is a reason exploits are typically found to be clustered around certain releases of the game. It's the laziness of the person working on it. pre-SoA 99 era was RIDDLED with exploits(all have been fixed) They didn't decide they were going to leave them susceptible until someone found them to alleviate pressure on the server. The person working on it was stupid or lazy or both.
Posts: 252
By Freazer 2021-07-16 15:32:42
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its funny imo to say the least as i read these comments i see several people that were in mix of different exploits and are bashing this exploit, even had afterglows before afterglow was easy. Why does it matter what others are doing? That's whats wrong with the world today! Nobody can just worry about themselves, they have to worry what someone else is doing with their 12.95
Posts: 46
By Oragel 2021-07-16 15:43:22
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I have gone circles in my thoughts on exploits, specifically in the crafting circle. I think for the most part I can get by with crafting exploits and exp/cp automation. This one though, I don’t see how it helps the community in any way. It doesn’t increase the supply of hard to get items, it really only serves to hurt casuals that can’t generate Gil on a consistent basis. I think I’m against this one.
Posts: 395
By Meeble 2021-07-16 16:59:18
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Honestly, with the caps in place they could probably make Gain Exp an always-on repeatable without affecting the economy much at all.

GXP without lvl 99 and RoV KI's isn't gonna do jack squat for a lazy RMT with an alliance full of fresh faceroll galka... especially compared to the crystal RoE's which are already 24/7 and require no mission progress.
Posts: 891
By Rips 2021-07-16 17:55:35
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Re-reading the 2 page thread, I think I realize the threat here to your account by using this. Since we know SE has no anti cheat detection, turning this on won’t alert them. However, there’s logs in your chat log showing that your participating in it, and since it’s apparently easy to pull up logs rather than back end packet stuff, it takes one bad report lottery ticket to get ya.

At least that’s how my brain reads the risk.

Still not that big of a deal.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tename
Posts: 535
By Asura.Arico 2021-07-16 18:02:02
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Rips said: »
Re-reading the 2 page thread, I think I realize the threat here to your account by using this. Since we know SE has no anti cheat detection, turning this on won’t alert them. However, there’s logs in your chat log showing that your participating in it, and since it’s apparently easy to pull up logs rather than back end packet stuff, it takes one bad report lottery ticket to get ya.

At least that’s how my brain reads the risk.

Still not that big of a deal.

That's definitely not how that works.

SE's logs are not just the chat logs and it's certainly not the superfluous pitter patter the client spits out.

Also anyone who told you SE has no anti-cheat detection is misinformed. They certainly do. They just don't turn it on for everyone all the time.
By Draylo 2021-07-16 18:21:06
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Freazer said: »
its funny imo to say the least as i read these comments i see several people that were in mix of different exploits and are bashing this exploit, even had afterglows before afterglow was easy. Why does it matter what others are doing? That's whats wrong with the world today! Nobody can just worry about themselves, they have to worry what someone else is doing with their 12.95

This post is so dumb lol. People care about the longevity of the game, all exploits should be fixed.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2145
By Bahamut.Negan 2021-07-16 18:27:48
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Freazer said: »
its funny imo to say the least as i read these comments i see several people that were in mix of different exploits and are bashing this exploit, even had afterglows before afterglow was easy. Why does it matter what others are doing? That's whats wrong with the world today! Nobody can just worry about themselves, they have to worry what someone else is doing with their 12.95
Posts: 252
By Freazer 2021-07-16 18:38:48
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Draylo said: »
Freazer said: »
its funny imo to say the least as i read these comments i see several people that were in mix of different exploits and are bashing this exploit, even had afterglows before afterglow was easy. Why does it matter what others are doing? That's whats wrong with the world today! Nobody can just worry about themselves, they have to worry what someone else is doing with their 12.95

This post is so dumb lol. People care about the longevity of the game, all exploits should be fixed.

Dumb? Didnt you have a AG Tizona on your banned account due to ill gotten gains?
By Draylo 2021-07-16 18:44:46
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Dumb yes because it's weak bait. No. I didn't actually. I was one of the first and probably only afterglow Tizona. Which I had up until they gave it to everyone. Your posts are pretty pointless, just going off rumors to attack me when every legit player should want exploits fixed.
Posts: 252
By Freazer 2021-07-16 18:53:12
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Draylo said: »
Dumb yes because it's weak bait. No. I didn't actually. I was one of the first and probably only afterglow Tizona. Which I had up until they gave it to everyone. Your posts are pretty pointless, just going off rumors to attack me when every legit player should want exploits fixed.
lmao its your lie tell whichever way you want
By Draylo 2021-07-16 18:58:51
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You are so salty lol. Exactly why I never responded to yall after the 30th server hop. You come into all these threads trying to attack me, I usually ignore them but you seem really bothered. You really don't know anything about me from the short time we've played together ages ago, move on already.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-07-16 19:24:52
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So, back on topic. Hypothetically setting deeds related roes could help a person catch up and unlock monbro. If that works.

That would be nice