Nuking Hands

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Nuking Hands
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-04-19 16:36:40
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Cerberus.Darkanaseur said:
Asura.Eeek said:
Cerberus.Darkanaseur said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Funny story I actually use the Zmitts to lower my hp then cast in Vmufflers.
Converted hp > mp still counts as having that hp as your total >.>
That's true, but he's not nuking in Zenith Mitts. I assume he's using the mitts as you would things like Zenith Slacks or a Serket Ring: as a means to drop max HP before swapping into a nuking set. If strapped for inventory space, I can see it negating the need to carry a few otherwise-useless pieces of HP lowering gear. Then again, I could be completely off the mark.
No, what I mean is; you don't need to swap the mitts back out, your HP won't be in yellow but it still counts as though you had that extra 50hp, and latent would be in effect. Try it.
I know I know I do it so I can visually see my hp being yellow. Also I got Vmitts way sooner lol.

Oblisk said:
First off, never am2 puddings.
Pt yes. Solo no. Why? Because no way I can kill a pudding under normal circumstnaces with just 3 different T4 spells (though with day bonuses probably could with at least 2 the same). I can have however easily kill with AM2 + 2 tier4 or on lightning/ice day 1 AM2 1 T4 1 T3. Or if I use spirit lantern or even if I don't maybe on the right day can do it with just 2 AM2. This overcomes the slight inefficiency of the spell and speeds things up a bit. I still get chain 6s solo btw. And often finish a mob without ever activating my ugg pendant lulz

Valefor.Argettio said:
Yigit hands will get beat by zenith/morri/goliard for T4 and AMII, but for most BLM setups Yigit will beat the other options for T3 and lower (this will depend on the amount of MAB you have). So I carry morri, z.mitts (procing ring) and yigit on my BLM.
It shouldn't. Yigit should only with on lower tier spells or against goliard on T4 and if you have high MAB barely on AM2 and T4 for the others. Even with a very high MAB set I use 3MAB will always beat 5int on AM2.

For me right now my on AM2 1 MAB~ 2.36 int and on blizz4 1 MAB~ 1.58 int. So even on T4 it's a very small increase. Small enough where it pretty much evens out when mp <50% or god forbid not nuking in my merited elements. That's assuming 85 MAB I beleive so yeah if you got less it is even more skewed towards favoring MAB
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: juro
Posts: 21
By Ragnarok.Lagunabel 2010-04-19 17:13:19
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If 3 T4s are not enough to kill a Flan, wow.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-04-19 17:16:03
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Idk I haven't tried since I upgrade my gear from a long time ago. I also fire them off rather quick. Quick enough where I might have to wait on recast if I want to stick to thunder/ice. Also my ugg pendant is rarely active don't use food etc. Anyways most blms I nuke against up there probably couldn't do it with 4-5 lol.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 559
By Valefor.Argettio 2010-04-20 03:38:33
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@ Dasva

My full damage set is 115 INT and 28 MAB (with z.mitts/morri) and that does 938 damage with Thunder III on puddings.

Switch to Yigit hands (+5 INT, -3 MAB) that changes to 939-940.

I have a pretty comprehensive spread sheet to model my BLM and personally I get:
AMII: 2.185 INT = 1 MAB
T4: 1.740 INT = 1 MAB
T3: 1.560 INT = 1 MAB

So for T4 the 5 INT on yigit equals 2.8 MAB (5/1.740 = 2.8)
But for T3 the 5 INT on yigit equals 3.2 MAB (5/1.560 = 3.2)

Incredibly minor improvement, but as I am carrying Yigit for stoneskin already and spellcast does all the swaping without me thinking, it is effectively free damage.

N.B. If I had more MAB (Novio etc) then the difference would increase and Yigit would become 'stronger'
Posts: 40
By Handyandy 2010-04-20 04:13:24
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You are correct in the last statement, MAB is ineffective unless you have the INT to back it up. And resist are floored once you hit about 125 INT and have equivalent skill or M.acc to compensate for loss in skill.

The goal to strive for are (300+ skill) + (120+ INT) + (25+ MAB) , also like to toss up 25+ Hmp in 6 line macro.

Those are all obtainable and balanced.

Maxed out (best gear you can have) you would be @

Morrigans = 25 INT 15 MAB M.acc +10

Sorcerer Ring = 10 MAB

Lemegeton Medallion +1 = 5 INT and 5 Skill

Galdr Ring = 6 INT 1 MAB

Novio + Moldy = 12 MAB

Sorcerer Belt = 6 INT

Hecate's Cape = MAB +3 M.acc +3

HQ staves of course

Full Blm merits also, Wish I were a Taru!

Grip + Ammo @ this point I would use M.acc grips as well as sturm's report for additional M.acc. M.acc +4

If your a Taru with full merits Blm/Rdm you have 79 INT, or even worse your Elvaan 66 INT base, add +5 merits.

+ 42 INT total in gear
+ 41 MAB
+ 17 M.acc
+ 5 skill

276 Base skill + 16 Merits + 5 = 297 (Close enough) Use Af for HNM

66 Base + 5 Merits + 42 = 113 + Cream puff = 120 (As Elvaan or Galka it is wise to use and INT cape instead of MAB).

Basically with a good amount of effort any race can floor resist rates and hit like a beast.

Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 559
By Valefor.Argettio 2010-04-20 04:31:15
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Handyandy said:
You are correct in the last statement, MAB is ineffective unless you have the INT to back it up. And resist are floored once you hit about 125 INT and have equivalent skill or M.acc to compensate for loss in skill.

No, my point was MAB has decreasing returns.

Going from 0 to 1 MAB = exactly 1% increase in damage.

Going from 70 to 71 MAB (my full damage set) = 0.6% increase in damage.

Add a novio, z.mitts+1 etc and that will drop nearer to 0.55% incrase per 1 MAB.

Whereas INT adds to the base damage of the equation, therefore is more consistant in the amount of damage it adds (although it does still diminish, just a lot slower than MAB). So on lower tier spells it is pretty easy for a 'normal' BLM reach the point where they have 'too much' MAB.

As for the '320/120 rule' (which you seem to be trying to illistrate), it is a guide line that works for CoP Wyrms.

It has long been proven that magic accuracy is more complex than that, and that builds need to be tailored to the mob in question.

In terms of resist rate you only need to get your INT 10 higher than the mob you are nuking, which for everything other than Kirin, CoP Wyrms and 1-2 others that means 100INT is normally enough. After that it is all about balancing INT, Skill/M.acc and MAB to get a decent resist rate with the best possible damage.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Pud
Posts: 91
By Lakshmi.Pud 2010-04-20 07:49:00
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Ragnarok.Lagunabel said:
If 3 T4s are not enough to kill a Flan, wow.

I'm not comfortably able to kill in 3 T4s. I wouldn't class my gear as top notch by any means, but I also wouldn't consider it a below average set.

Apart from what I consider top tier gear (Morrigans, Novio), the main gear I'm missing is the elemental obis. There are other minor bits in there I'd like to improve (feet/ring/back) + I don't have full merits.

However I think to expect the average BLM to be able to kill in 3 T4s is off the mark.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 559
By Valefor.Argettio 2010-04-20 08:59:03
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Lakshmi.Pud said:
I think to expect the average BLM to be able to kill in 3 T4s is off the mark.

If you can get 3 nukes out with Pentant active then an average BLM could probably 3 shot a flan. But that means only resting to 60-65% MP (which isn't normal unless you are trying for Chain 4 or 5 and have to rush the last few kills).

But 3 shoting without a novio or day/weather (with obi and tonban). 3 T4 and a T3 to finish is what I would call 'average' imo. 3 T4 and drain being just above average.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-04-20 16:33:31
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Yeah I think part of the um problem is I have more int than you. So it kinda throws my ratios. Like off top of my head my full dmg set puts me at like 130+ int on blm. Either way for my set calculating it out yigit would barely win ( like less then 1/2 int worth lol) on T4 and not even close on my AM2. Which makes it not worth the 20k points for me when I have 2 5 MAB gloves. Though if I could get genie manillas with 4 int (saw and NQ with one) that would be another story all together. Kinda the same problem I have with hecate cape. 5 int vs 3macc/mab. Dmg is about the same and people selling ixion for 1 mil hecate for 10mil.

As far as the whole 10 int more than the mob there is nothing wrong with having more or less. The entire point of that is when you have less int is usually the most helpful thing to put in that slot. Ie you get 1macc not to mention a decent increase in dmg. Especially if you had less int than the mob. After that you only get 1macc at which point it's often easier to just add skill + MAB for more dmg and macc. But it is somewhat race specific and doesn't have to be exact. I mean you can overpower with int and slack on macc/skill if you are a taru etc.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 559
By Valefor.Argettio 2010-04-20 16:59:38
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Yeah I think part of the um problem is I have more int than you. So it kinda throws my ratios. Like off top of my head my full dmg set puts me at like 130 int on blm. Either way for my set calculating it out yigit would barely win ( like less then 1/2 int worth lol) on T4 and not even close on my AM2. Which makes it not worth the 20k points for me when I have 2 5 MAB gloves. Though if I could get genie manillas with 4 int (saw and NQ with one) that would be another story all together. Kinda the same problem I have with hecate cape. 5 int vs 3macc/mab. Dmg is about the same and people selling ixion for 1 mil hecate for 10mil.

Like I said, it works for me as I have them in my inventory already. But the increase isn't worth farming 20k AP and wasting another inventory slot.
Ramuh.Dasva said:
As far as the whole 10 int more than the mob there is nothing wrong with having more or less. The entire point of that is when you have less int is usually the most helpful thing to put in that slot. Ie you get 1macc not to mention a decent increase in dmg. Especially if you had less int than the mob. After that you only get 1macc at which point it's often easier to just add skill MAB for more dmg and macc. But it is somewhat race specific and doesn't have to be exact. I mean you can overpower with int and slack on macc/skill if you are a taru etc.

I agree, for a resist build I would always aim to be 10-15 INT over the mob as it is cheap m.acc (INT is often easier to gear for than skill) and then the rest of the set would vary depending on what slots are left and what the resist rate is like.

My point to Handyandy was a modern resist build is a little more complex to design than a simple 320/120 (or 330/130) build, although on the face of it they may look similar.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-04-20 17:01:55
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Oh yeah that's partly because the 320(330)/120(130) were sorta trial and error and the hows and whys of them were just somewhat recently tested and figured out.

Needless to say as an int meritted taru my full dmg set often puts my int much much higher which I use to allow me to put less to no gear specifically for macc/skill. It works for me becaue pretty much every slot I have int in I can't currently get anything else to put in that slot with more dmg. Though when nuking on say elements of the same day my int drops quite a bit so who knows lol
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 559
By Valefor.Argettio 2010-04-20 17:03:45
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Oh yeah that's partly because the 320(330)/120(130) were sorta trial and error and the hows and whys of them were just somewhat recently tested and figured out. Needless to say as an int meritted taru my full dmg set often puts my int much much higher which I use to allow me to put less to no gear specifically for macc/skill

Yes I hate BLM tarus.

I'm 5/5 on INT merits and only just have the same INT as an unmerited Taru...
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-04-20 17:08:39
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Really you have that much? My nekkid taru blm/sch hits 85 completely unbuffed. Hell i got 81 as a rdm/sch lol.

But seriously though 1 mil for a 5int/mnd cape and 10 mil for a 3Macc/mab wtf
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: krazyrs
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2010-04-20 17:22:20
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needs to be a obi day for me to 3 shot them otherwise im looking at 3 t4 + t2 and/or bio2

nuke in this
HQ staves: Jupiter/Aquilos/Auster/Plutos
Uggy when latent is met

goliard feet are a myth >.<

hope they extend merits, i have 5/5 STR atm and would love to 5/5 INT,is only like 72 base as Mithra
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-04-20 17:25:13
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Lol really feet were the only thing my group had luck with. Went like 2-3 months just to get the 3 hands we wanted total in the group. Then went and did feet and in 1 night got 2 gol feet.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 559
By Valefor.Argettio 2010-04-20 17:29:18
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Really you have that much? My nekkid taru blm/sch hits 85 completely unbuffed. Hell i got 81 as a rdm/sch lol.

But seriously though 1 mil for a 5int/mnd cape and 10 mil for a 3Macc/mab wtf

77 as BLM/RDM, 78 when /SCH (inc merits).
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Pud
Posts: 91
By Lakshmi.Pud 2010-04-20 20:03:14
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Argettio said:
3 T4 and a T3 to finish is what I would call 'average' imo. 3 T4 and drain being just above average.

Quickly calc'd 3 T4 (Thunder/Blizz/Fire) + T3 (Blizz) and MP cost is 10mp less than Thunder IV, Blizzard IV, AMII. So it seems that in a situation where you are 3 T4 + T3, its actually probably better to use 2 T4 and AMII.

Faster safer kills, at almost the same MP cost.