Rugby dudes are often particularly sexy, but tbf that's not what makes Kieran Brookes hot.
I mean, he would be hot even if he were a gardener or a computer programmer or whatever else, srsly.
Here, there's some nice closeups of his *** and stretched tights.
Yes, I do feel like a perv now :3
I dunno, guys who are too clean in looks, too muscular, too shaved, too "perfect" just do not attract me.
I need something manlier, rougher, something that feels more "real", and I also need some meat!
Most people fail at understanding this last part.
I'm not talking fat guys (not that there would be anything wrong with that), it's just... I want meat. Muscles are fine, I love them, but I want meat around them! Not body-built-sculpted geometric muscles.
And at least some body hair plz, because *** shaving! Real men keep it with pride :3
Kieran is a very good example in that.
He's not "fat". He's not slim either of course.
He's got some meat, he's probably slightly overweight, but he's got quite some TONE on those muscles!
Nomnom, those girthly thights. Can I have em?!