Once adding +1 MAB the numbers lined up perfectly, though I did have to adjust the formula by adding +1 skill.
My proposed formula for Swipe and 1 rune Lunge is as follows:
floor( floor( ( (Mainhand weapon skill + 1)* (0.5 + SwipeBonus) ) )*SDT) + MagicDamage
where Swipe Bonus is Lunge+ gear (aettir, soulcleaver have +10 each) or job points + which cap at +20 in percentage form in x/256
where SDT is the SDT of the element in percentage form in x/256
Do note that there are other magic terms I'm not listing like resist, magic burst, etc. My tests didn't include those as a baseline. The targets I chose can't cast shell or aren't known to have MDT.
in a test where I believe I solved a level 10 Amethyst Quadav having 11 MDB using the following variables:
SDT = (332/256) -- assumed to be 130% SDT to thunder
Mainhand weapon skill = 656
SwipeBonus = (51/256) -- 20% from 20/20 job points
MagicDamage = 0
crunch the math with the following:
floor(floor((656 + 1)* (0.5 + (51/256))))*(332/256))+0 = 595.
Damage should be 595 if my MAB = their MDB, this Amethyst Quadav is a WHM which should have MDB 1 trait for +10 MDB
10 MAB:

We're off by 5 damage here...
11 MAB:

Spot on. This coincides with mobs having a base of 1 MDB, and players having a base of 0 MAB.
Can someone check my work here? It seems we can solve for elemental SDT and MDB on any target due to the fact that barring resist, factoring in MDT/phalanx etc, Swipe and Lunge do static damage.
Also, some additional bonus facts about Swipe/Lunge that are not listed on the wiki (as of this post)
* Does not give TP (tested with charm)
* Is blinkable by shadows
* The rune selected for Swipe is always the newest one
* The visible animation selected for lunge is either the last rune used or the highest strength rune if you expend 3 runes (2 ignis + 1 gelus = fire animation, even if gelus was used last)