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Political Discussion Thread
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Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 136
By Pandemonium.Silvaria 2009-09-11 13:53:43
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Yes, the current US healthcare system is working well.

Trying telling that to people who are turned down for rental home because they owe insane amounts for medical bills, or Grandma, when she needs a procedure and it gets denied.

We have the best treatment possible in the world. We have the technology, we have the knowledge, we have the drive, we have the willpower to create technology.

LOL...American arrogance at it's finest. 8D

Plenty of other countries have the same technology we do. The difference is, their citizens aren't all necessarily being charged, literally, an arm and a leg for necessary procedures and medications. My ex- has been an insurance agent for over 15 years, he could tell you some horror stories that would definitely put the "working well" assertion into doubt.

That being said, I'm not sure what the solution is, but I do believe ALL children should have access to health care, as the choice of whether or not they have coverage is out of their hands. Unfortunately, I believe that attitudes such as yours, that everything is just peachy keen, lead to apathy, and then nothing gets changed.

Just my opinion. 8)
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: mattchew
Posts: 270
By Unicorn.Motokosun 2009-09-11 13:58:30
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Liquidz said:
Korpg said:

But, when something that works and works WELL in the private sector becomes part of the public sector, then thats a no-no.

Are you saying that US current health care system is working well?(not stating a fact, I don't know your position on it). I am not pronouncing myself too much about this but when you come from a place where health care is "free" it's hard to understand why a country as proud as the USA is leaving some of their own people in troubles... Don't tell me that everyone who can't get good health care coverage is in that situation because they just did not put in the efforts.

A friend of mines mom was on a waiting list for 6 months for a surgery then denied because it was deemed her medical condition was not "LIFE THREATENING" so she was denied, where in the us under current system that ***woulda been done right away and for minimal out of pocket cost.

Oh did i mention they live in Toronto, Canada, and are Canadian citizens?
Server: Seraph
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user: Caiyuo
Posts: 6524
By Seraph.Caiyuo 2009-09-11 14:01:33
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As far as American healthcare is concerned on the spectrum of technology and advancements, yes we're very innovative and skilled, but the problem isn't the quality, it's the cost. lol I'll also agree with Silvaria on the topic of not knowing the perfect solution to insuring everyone, but I do think it's a necessity in a country that's supposed to be as advanced as ours. I like the idea of a government single-payer system that utilizes private insurance and doctors as the medium to deliver healthcare, but this seems to be completely off the table in the US.

Korpg, all I'll say is you need to allow room for being wrong. Speaking so matter-of-factly and using phrases like "I know this will happen" is only going to cause people to doubt you.

As for healthcare in general, I like to cite this article just as food for thought, and not so much as a political nudge in one direction or the other. I felt it was very informative: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/08/21/AR2009082101778.html
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: mattchew
Posts: 270
By Unicorn.Motokosun 2009-09-11 14:05:53
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Chaosx said:
So who do you think I should vote for in the governor election this fall for NJ:
Jon Corzine or this guy Chris Christie?

That;s not something you should be asking us, that's a question for yourself. But NJ hmm, would it matter? (lol nj corrupt government joke)
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Ilvex
Posts: 202
By Ramuh.Ilvex 2009-09-11 14:10:59
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That was a great article about health care,and I'm sure korpg and the like will shoot it down. Really the best part is about bankruptcies and how many people's lives are destroyed by them here in "the best country".
Server: Asura
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user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-09-11 14:11:44
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Silvaria said:

LOL...American arrogance at it's finest. 8D

I see we only had to wait until the second page to see that we cant have a mature debate.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Ilvex
Posts: 202
By Ramuh.Ilvex 2009-09-11 14:13:37
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Ludoggy we are fing arrogent, we think that we do everything the best and any other way must be crappy compaired to ours, it is if you listen to the way fox news would put it
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: mattchew
Posts: 270
By Unicorn.Motokosun 2009-09-11 14:13:46
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Silvaria said:
Yes, the current US healthcare system is working well.

Trying telling that to people who are turned down for rental home because they owe insane amounts for medical bills, or Grandma, when she needs a procedure and it gets denied.

We have the best treatment possible in the world. We have the technology, we have the knowledge, we have the drive, we have the willpower to create technology.

LOL...American arrogance at it's finest. 8D

Plenty of other countries have the same technology we do. The difference is, their citizens aren't all necessarily being charged, literally, an arm and a leg for necessary procedures and medications. My ex- has been an insurance agent for over 15 years, he could tell you some horror stories that would definitely put the "working well" assertion into doubt.

That being said, I'm not sure what the solution is, but I do believe ALL children should have access to health care, as the choice of whether or not they have coverage is out of their hands. Unfortunately, I believe that attitudes such as yours, that everything is just peachy keen, lead to apathy, and then nothing gets changed.

Just my opinion. 8)

They do, it's called CHiP - Childrens Health Insurance Plan. And is available to ALL children unless there parents have insurance and can/do have them on it.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: mattchew
Posts: 270
By Unicorn.Motokosun 2009-09-11 14:18:53
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Ilvex said:
Ludoggy we are fing arrogent, we think that we do everything the best and any other way must be crappy compaired to ours, it is if you listen to the way fox news would put it

Sounds more like you and people like you are arrogent, and since when is fox news america?

I have never thought i as an american were superior to another person for where they live, but i won't lie there are some aspects i do think im superior to, for one i think my knowledge and freedoms are far superior then those of people in N. korea. Now is it there fault? No but doesn't change the fact that it true.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-09-11 14:24:40
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Ilvex said:
Ludoggy we are fing arrogent, we think that we do everything the best and any other way must be crappy compaired to ours, it is if you listen to the way ANY news would put it

I fixed it for you

Here's something a wise man once told me.

"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you read the newspaper you are misinformed."

Also dont please generalize all of us(everyone on ffxiah.com) as 'arrogant'

EDIT: I also noticed someone's already started the lame "I dislike this person so I shall rate down all of his/her posts" I wish we could all stay at 0
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Ilvex
Posts: 202
By Ramuh.Ilvex 2009-09-11 14:25:38
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ok just you then hows that. j/k but on the whole us as American's tend to think we do everything the best and denounce Europen ideals, well the rep side anyways
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Zayo
Posts: 207
By Alexander.Zayo 2009-09-11 14:27:02
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Reeses
Posts: 6
By Bahamut.Reeses 2009-09-11 14:29:27
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If you work hard and become successful (to improve your quality of life), you shouldn't be punished for your success by having to pay to improve the quality of life of lazy people who won't work to help themselves.
Free public heatlth care is for reportedly like 5% of the people. Screw those 5%. Get off your butt and work like the other 95% of us.
I have no problems with my health care and I don't want it to change at all. The president is flat out lying when he says my coverage won't change under his bill.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Ilvex
Posts: 202
By Ramuh.Ilvex 2009-09-11 14:30:44
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Wow reeses way to not give a ***about your fellow man and also be wrong,
Funny that you think because someone's poor and can't pay for health care they must be lazy
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1488
By Ragnarok.Blindphleb 2009-09-11 14:37:26
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I have many problems with the current health insurance system in America. Having worked in the health service field for 4 years on my own, and having grown up in a family full of medical personnel I feel I have some insight to share.

1. My number one problem with service as it is currently provided is there are next to no consumer protections for insured patients. We talk about how great private markets are; did we forget Triangle-Shirtwaist? When a person can be healthy and pay into a system for years upon years, and then get denied coverage because of a technicality, that is down right criminal.

Cenk Uygur said:
The practices of denying people care through rescission and denying people coverage because of pre-existing conditions. Rescission is where insurance companies will let people die because of a technicality. As soon as you have a serious, life-threatening condition (in other words, an expensive one, the kind you bought insurance for), they will go back over your original forms and see if there is any way they can deny you coverage. They have been known to deny treatment for cancer because someone didn't report that they had acne -- Literally

Source: "How the Democrats Should Have Handled the Health Care Debate" Cenk Uygur. url

Although I have many more problems with the current health insurance system in America, I would be very happy to see laws voted in that would put an end to this sort of abuse of power from private insurance companies.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 136
By Pandemonium.Silvaria 2009-09-11 14:41:38
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More proof that the U.S. health care system is not "working well", and all of this is easily verifiable with a little research...

Health care costs are higher in the U.S. than any other industrialized nation. And yet, we have fewer nurses and doctors than countries such as Canada, Germany, and Sweden, as well as a higher infant mortality rate.

The price of health care is rising faster than any other category. The average family of four will spend about $17,000 this year on health care...approximately one quarter of their income, an increase of 26% in 15 years, and 7% from last year alone.

Health care costs are expected to rise -another- 6% this year, while the GDP is only expected to rise 4%. They are also increasing faster than the average wage.

Medical bills accounted for over half of all bankruptcies in 2007. Over a million families will lose their homes to foreclosure this year because of medical expenditures.

And this is just a sample...so...we may have awesome technology, but if no one can afford it or it puts average people in the poorhouse, it won't do us much good. ^,^;
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 136
By Pandemonium.Silvaria 2009-09-11 14:44:39
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To say we have the "best treatment possible" is arrogant, and untrue. I called as I saw it. Nothing immature about that. 8)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1488
By Ragnarok.Blindphleb 2009-09-11 14:48:13
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Silvaria do you have sources for those numbers?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-09-11 14:48:20
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So how about how leaders of nations with their own universal coverage end up coming to the U.S. for surgery and other treatment, if their healthcare works so well why come here?
And how come the u.s. has the highest cancer survival rates if its so expensive and hard to get treatment?
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 136
By Pandemonium.Silvaria 2009-09-11 14:48:20
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They do, it's called CHiP - Childrens Health Insurance Plan. And is available to ALL children unless there parents have insurance and can/do have them on it.

Awesome. Too bad more parents don't take advantage of it. 8(
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-09-11 14:50:57
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Silvaria said:
They do, it's called CHiP - Childrens Health Insurance Plan. And is available to ALL children unless there parents have insurance and can/do have them on it.

Awesome. Too bad more parents don't take advantage of it. 8(

That's because of requirements. Income is a big factor for that.

I had it for my kid until I had a job that made just a tad over the requirement and they ended it.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Ilvex
Posts: 202
By Ramuh.Ilvex 2009-09-11 14:51:25
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lud they also go to France for treatment too. FYI

The highest survival rates were found in the U.S. for breast and prostate cancer, in Japan for colon and rectal cancers in men, and in France for colon and rectal cancers in women, Coleman's team reports.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 136
By Pandemonium.Silvaria 2009-09-11 14:51:59
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Silvaria do you have sources for those numbers?

As I said, a little research will easily verify those numbers. 8)

And how come the u.s. has the highest cancer survival rates if its so expensive and hard to get treatment?

Not true. Canada and Japan have equally high survival rates, as do several other countries...and they have universal health care.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: mattchew
Posts: 270
By Unicorn.Motokosun 2009-09-11 14:58:23
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Silvaria said:
Silvaria do you have sources for those numbers?

As I said, a little research will easily verify those numbers. 8)

And how come the u.s. has the highest cancer survival rates if its so expensive and hard to get treatment?

Not true. Canada and Japan have equally high survival rates, as do several other countries...and they have universal health care.

Can't go off of %'s because population size is a huge factor. I'm sure countries like Portugal have an amazingly low rate of cancer fatalities, but that % doesn't reflect our population.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-09-11 15:00:25
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Silvaria said:

Not true. Canada and Japan have equally high survival rates, as do several other countries...and they have universal health care.

Doesnt say that here.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Ilvex
Posts: 202
By Ramuh.Ilvex 2009-09-11 15:03:28
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I didn't read the whole thing but did it mention France and japan at all?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-09-11 15:05:34
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Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: liquidz
Posts: 615
By Pandemonium.Liquidz 2009-09-11 15:05:53
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In this topic it looks like everyone have the truth and facts and numbers to prove what they are saying. As if we are living in 2 parallel universe... connected by the Internet! How amazing ^^
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Ilvex
Posts: 202
By Ramuh.Ilvex 2009-09-11 15:07:02
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you could of just said no they don't, but then you'd also have to say you were wrong, other then the note about drugs in france
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 136
By Pandemonium.Silvaria 2009-09-11 15:07:43
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"Professor Michel Coleman from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine led a team of 100 scientists who examined data from 1.9 million people living in 31 countries in 1990s. Researchers examined the data on cancer survival rates taken from national registries. The study is called CONCORD and it is mainly focused on breast, colon, rectal and prostate cancers.

Researchers found that USA has the best score with 5 years of survival rate for breast cancer at 83.9% and prostate cancer at 91.9%. Japan scores the best for colon cancer at 63% and rectal cancer at 58.2% in men. Women living in France have the highest rates for colon and rectal cancers at 60.1% and 63.9% respectively."

As I said, a few other countries have high survival rates, and I stand by that. 8)
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