Pakecet Stratigies?

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Pakecet stratigies?
Posts: 274
By Ramsy 2016-01-26 02:33:02
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Was wondering if anyone had any pakecet strategies they could share with me? Been trying to get bushin abj along with win for a week now and either the pt I'm in wipes or times out :/
Server: Bismarck
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user: Indigla
Posts: 340
By Bismarck.Indigla 2016-01-26 02:51:57
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We typically do this with this setup as a minimum:


So long as the RDM has enough magic accuracy and some haste from the GEO all TP moves from Pak can be stunned, so then it's only a matter of skillchaining and magic bursting until it's dead. Can throw in extra BLM THF GEO COR etc.. as needed.

If the stunner is good and hasted probably can do this with any number of setups really. If the adds happen to get out you can just sleepga them, tank cures sleeper and pops a job ability for hate then aoe nuke them dead and continue. Melee is a little more annoying though because dread spikes might get through sometimes due to a missed stun which can be deadly to a fast attacker.

Hope this helps a bit and good luck!
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Afania
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By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-01-26 02:52:45
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Ramsy said: »
Was wondering if anyone hand and pakecet strategies they could share with me? Been trying to get bushin abj along with win for a week now and either the pt I'm in wipes or times out :/

pld or august, SCH, BLM, GEO(malaise), WHM or apururu is the setup most group uses. Sleepga/aoe adds when pop.

Alternatively you can replace BLM and SCH with BLU or COR or MAYBE RNG and nuke/WF it down. Both RNG and COR should be able to hit it reliably without additional acc buffs.

Fight took 2~3 min if going with full pt instead of trio regardless which ranged/nuke job you bring. But it's doable with just 3 and trust tank/healer.

Never try BST nor melee zerg before, maybe someone else could give more info about it.
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2016-01-26 02:58:34
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You can also just nuke it sans SCs with a BLU and it goes down in about the same amount of time (~4-5 min).

EDIT: Nevermind, beaten. I haven't done it with meleeing either but I'm sure that works fine, too.
Server: Asura
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user: amadis
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By Asura.Arnan 2016-01-26 03:09:26
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I like to do it PLD GEO GEO SCH BLU COR. The PLD locks tanking gear and BLU locks nuke gear in case of encumbrance. The BLU cycles through all its light nukes with fast cast roll from COR and aurastorm 2 from SCH (don't forget to lock obi) most of the time the adds will die as soon as they pop. Then the SCH and GEO's can SC/MB, all the PLD really needs to stay alive is regen 5. I've done it this way with unreliable PUG's quite a few times and even if the SCH and GEO's don't nuke and you just rely on BLU for damage its still a very quick fight, providing the BLU has a respectable nuke set
Server: Phoenix
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user: Alttp
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By Phoenix.Libbien 2016-01-26 03:38:50
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Safest/fastest low man groups I've done is typically pld (popper), blu, sch, geo. Random resists annoy me so i have the geo do focus/malaise. We don't worry about stunning anything, just let it do Angry Seas and blu is ready to 1 shot all the adds as soon as they pop (1 hybrid elemental spell is enough to 1 shot every pugil). Take care as one of it's tp moves will remove 2 debuffs, which is often my helix. If this happens make sure to reapply a new one asap. Can skip the blu if your sch is decent as they can just manifestation sleep the adds and nuke em down 1 at a time.

Keep in mind that every person you add to the fight also adds hp to the NM, so if you're timing out make sure you are only bringing people who are capable of 135 content. Using a trust whm over a real whm also saves a lot of time, apururu/yoran (and probably others, but can't confirm personally, only tried those 2) are more than capable of whming pakecet safely and they don't add hp to the NM like a person would.
By Draylo 2016-01-26 03:47:26
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BLM SCH GEO + august + koru-moru + apururu is how I typically do it. Can drop the GEO but it will be resistant. BLM pops it, get ready to sleepga the adds when you see the weaponskill go off (can also mana wall beforehand.) Then rotate Sleepga > Sleepga2 > Breakga and aspir the adds too.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Papesse
Posts: 438
By Carbuncle.Papesse 2016-01-26 04:31:29
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SMN rotating Night Terror/Mewing Lullaby + August + Apururu. Pakecet can't get enough TP to do a move/call adds with just August meleeing.
Server: Caitsith
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user: Trebold
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By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2016-01-26 07:29:03
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We did PLD+SCH+GEO, and BLM helps speed things up if have more people. PLD pops with healer trusts, SH makes SCs and saves a strategem for sleepga. GEO does either double magic evasion macc/macc with acumen or a mix of mab and meva down depending on your needs.

If it's above 15%, we would kill the spawned adds, but if below we'd just force through and kill the NM instead.

The PLD shield bashed Angry Seas a few times, so you could probably have the GEO and or SCH be /blm and watch for stuns. You'd just have to gauge its TP before starting an SC.
Server: Cerberus
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user: kaht
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By Cerberus.Kaht 2016-01-26 09:00:55
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I'm pretty confident that a BLU & GEO could duo pakecet, specially during the trust campaign. Just take a BLU & GEO and win.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: ikariiiii
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By Ragnarok.Jukiro 2016-01-26 09:35:32
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As most people have said, PLD SCH GEO (+GEO,BLM,SCH) are an easy ticket to victory. He will start to resist the element that you burst with after about two volleys, so just switch it up (2 blizzard > 2 thunder, etc). With PLD SCH SCH GEO GEO BLM it would die in 3-4 volleys depending if blaze of glory was up for Focus/Acumen/Malaise/Languor. My group never bothered to stun nukes, and the group would have Manifestation+Sleep / Sleepga ready for Angry Seas, which spawns all his adds. If you're taking a while, Breakga can buy you time to re-sleep when they wake up.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 708
By Shiva.Eightball 2016-01-26 10:09:05
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nah, just use fire and you will have no problems.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-01-26 14:36:08
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Cerberus.Kaht said: »
I'm pretty confident that a BLU & GEO could duo pakecet, specially during the trust campaign. Just take a BLU & GEO and win.

Trusts can tank/heal without campaign. But NM hp doesn't scale below 3 members, it's faster to kill with 3 instead of 2. Although I have the fastest kill speed with something like 4 members.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Venomfury
Posts: 1387
By Fenrir.Ramzus 2016-01-26 14:39:40
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geo geo blm sch august apururu

languor malaise focus haste

mb firaja->fire6 until adds spawn then do fire6->fire5.

even if your gear is not great i don't see it dying in more than 4-5 sc
Server: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
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By Sylph.Oraen 2016-01-26 15:12:49
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I have done Pakecet with GEO/BLU + trusts, but it was a decent bit slower than just bringing along a SCH and BLM. Definitely good for drop greed, though.

As to the element resist factor, I have never encountered that when just using fire. Damage never dips.
Posts: 148
By RolandJ 2016-01-27 16:11:25
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Sylph.Oraen said: »
I have done Pakecet with GEO/BLU + trusts, but it was a decent bit slower than just bringing along a SCH and BLM.

Did you do this using physical bubbles & melee damage? If so, for pugil management, did you rely mainly on sleeping the pugils, stunning angry seas, or nuking the pugils away? I have not tried nuking the pugils without malaise/languor up and it would be interesting to find out if that works or not. I'm also wondering how quickly the pugils build resistance to sleep because I imagine that eventually the stuns would start getting resisted.
Server: Siren
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Posts: 3331
By Siren.Kyte 2016-01-27 16:15:32
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You can just one shot the Pugils, as setups that involve BLU still generally rely on magic damage. I usually try to save Entomb for them just in case I get a resist, but I don't think I've ever failed to kill them in one nuke. It is nice to have one person go /BLM to sleepga them just in case the BLU is caught at a bad time, but it isn't really necessary.
Posts: 148
By RolandJ 2016-01-27 18:36:39
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I was predicting that he is meleeing the mob, however. I've done blux2 geox2 whm pld before and nuking works well there with two BLUs and the pugils get one shot with all of the buffs and debuffs. However, given that here he just has one GEO and one BLU which is half the DDers and half the buffs, I imagine that he would be capitalizing on BLU's CDC spam instead in order to compensate for the drop in the # of nukes & buffs/debuffs in order to keep up with the 15mins timer. That would involve melee bubbles, though, and so I am specifically wondering how well nuking goes on the pugils without malaise/languor up. Though, if he's just nuking the whole time & keeping up with the timer then this issue wouldn't exist.

So, were you nuking or were you meleeing? ^^ It would be nice to have more information on your strategy, please.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Tdizzle
Posts: 97
By Ragnarok.Tdizzle 2016-01-28 15:47:33
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I've only done it pld geo geo sch blm blm? I think we had 2 blms...

Took 3-4 sc volleys every time. Adds were slept when they spawned. Just switch up nukes after the first 2 because of resists.

I was princess geo so all I had to do was toss out bubbles and MB the team took care of the rest. Blms did most of the dmg obviously. About a 3 min fight, maybe less.
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Posts: 1015
By Yandaime 2016-03-29 22:58:21
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RolandJ said: »
I was predicting that he is meleeing the mob, however. I've done blux2 geox2 whm pld before and nuking works well there with two BLUs and the pugils get one shot with all of the buffs and debuffs. However, given that here he just has one GEO and one BLU which is half the DDers and half the buffs, I imagine that he would be capitalizing on BLU's CDC spam instead in order to compensate for the drop in the # of nukes & buffs/debuffs in order to keep up with the 15mins timer. That would involve melee bubbles, though, and so I am specifically wondering how well nuking goes on the pugils without malaise/languor up. Though, if he's just nuking the whole time & keeping up with the timer then this issue wouldn't exist.

So, were you nuking or were you meleeing? ^^ It would be nice to have more information on your strategy, please.
I too would like to know exactly what you're doing here. Subduction Spam + Crush Pugs? Or CDC Spam + Sleep Pugs
Server: Odin
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user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2254
By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-03-29 23:06:49
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Trying to melee Pakacet is kinda shitty from my experience. Especially with Shock and obviously Dread Spikes.
By 2016-03-30 00:07:41
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Posts: 1015
By Yandaime 2016-03-30 05:17:46
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
I thought I have posted my shitty Pakecet video from a long time ago enough times by now?

I mean look I didn't even have Almaric pants and things back then. If a gimp like me could do it then anyone can.

My apologies to have you revisit this topic. I'm trying to piece together a viable trio strategy. So far, my attempts to Mana-Trio Pakecet have ended in failure usually due to time out. Tried my BLU a GEO friend and a WHM with August Yoran (additional August support) and Star Sybil (also tried Arciella)

The above posters claim it's exceptionally easy for BLU + GEO to duo albeit slower, so I'm clearly doing something wrong.

Are we using the wrong bubbles?
What nukes should I stick with during the fight? So far I've been using Subduction because it's cheap to cast and nearly 1-shots the pugs, should I amp up to Diffusion Ray between pugs and just bring temp items for MP restore?

There was lengthy discussion about this topic but nothing fully lined out for Trio . I'm looking to have it so I can grab one of my GEO buddies and go farm.

Thank you for your time
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ogri
Posts: 127
By Asura.Brennski 2016-03-30 05:22:01
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When I've nuked on BLU(now go SCH to T3s) I have used Searing Temepst > Blinding Flugor > Magic Hammer for Pakecet itself and added in Spectral Floe/Entomb/Subduction for Adds.

Pakecet is Weak to Fire and Light Nukes generally I would probably go with Focus/Langor as bubbles on most T3s if only 1 GEO, good idea to try to get GEO to DoT/Keep Frazzle on him.

Personally my favourite Mana Trio is SCH, BLM, GEO, August, Apu/Yoran with a WHM/RDM as 3rd trust. SCH making Fusion BLM and SCH MBing with Focus/Langor and SCH/BLM sleeping adds/Againg them. SCH keeping up Helixs/Frazzle/DoTs
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-03-30 05:45:39
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Yandaime said: »
Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
I thought I have posted my shitty Pakecet video from a long time ago enough times by now?

I mean look I didn't even have Almaric pants and things back then. If a gimp like me could do it then anyone can.

My apologies to have you revisit this topic. I'm trying to piece together a viable trio strategy. So far, my attempts to Mana-Trio Pakecet have ended in failure usually due to time out. Tried my BLU a GEO friend and a WHM with August Yoran (additional August support) and Star Sybil (also tried Arciella)

The above posters claim it's exceptionally easy for BLU + GEO to duo albeit slower, so I'm clearly doing something wrong.

Are we using the wrong bubbles?
What nukes should I stick with during the fight? So far I've been using Subduction because it's cheap to cast and nearly 1-shots the pugs, should I amp up to Diffusion Ray between pugs and just bring temp items for MP restore?

There was lengthy discussion about this topic but nothing fully lined out for Trio . I'm looking to have it so I can grab one of my GEO buddies and go farm.

Thank you for your time

Trio strategies have been outlined if you scroll up and read. In fact I've mentioned it on 3rd post of this thread, which is buff sleep and nukes. Plenty of people mentioned fire nukes and sleeping adds, thus your blu should use fire nukes and sleep adds. Plenty of people also mentioned which geo bubbles they use, so just copy and paste their bubbles?

Spicy even posted a video, what other information do you need?

If you time out following every step above, then it's not the strategy that you're missing, it's appropriate gear level and spell sets probably. I think it would be more beneficial if you post your nuke sets and current JP you have.

I know I don't sound nice, but it's quite discouraging to see so many people spend their time sharing their strategy and still find people asking questions like "what bubbles and nukes should I use" then proceed to claim nobody outlined trio strategies when it's being mentioned over and over in multiple posts.
Posts: 1015
By Yandaime 2016-03-31 06:20:47
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Asura.Brennski said: »
When I've nuked on BLU(now go SCH to T3s) I have used Searing Temepst > Blinding Flugor > Magic Hammer for Pakecet itself and added in Spectral Floe/Entomb/Subduction for Adds.

Pakecet is Weak to Fire and Light Nukes generally I would probably go with Focus/Langor as bubbles on most T3s if only 1 GEO, good idea to try to get GEO to DoT/Keep Frazzle on him.

Personally my favourite Mana Trio is SCH, BLM, GEO, August, Apu/Yoran with a WHM/RDM as 3rd trust. SCH making Fusion BLM and SCH MBing with Focus/Langor and SCH/BLM sleeping adds/Againg them. SCH keeping up Helixs/Frazzle/DoTs

Thank you. With that information I learned where I was messing up. My dumba** was spamming Subduction only and I didn't know Magic Hammer was a 100% Damme-MP conversion.

Obviously I'm still learning the finer points to BLU but I'm doing very well with it so far.

Grabbed a GEO buddy and my WHM mule and we pulled out the window very comfortably aside from Pak occasionally 1-shotting one of the Tank trusts with a T6 nuke.


I apologize again. I remember seeing lengthy discussion just like you said but it was buried in the BLU forums and after peeling back 20 pages or so without seeing it in did a Pakecet search and found this individual thread. I figured that I'd get chewed out but it'd be worth it to figure out what I was doing wrong.

As for my stuff:

JP - 2100

Nibiru Club x2 both capped with MAB augments
Dosis Tathlum
Heleos Head - MAcc/MAB 15 INT/MND 7
Max Samnuha Coat MAcc 38 MAB 35 (very solid nuking piece pre-Amalric I don't care what anyone says)
I'm now using Amalric Body after finally killing. Capped on MAB/MAC Augs
Max Leyline Gloves (been farming Met but he's been stingy also these have a little more MAcc than Amalric so it's not a huge loss)
Shiva Ring +1 x2 (obviously I have an Acc toggle to switch to Weatherspoon and Sangoma if I start seeing terrible resists)
BLU JSE cape with a 10 skill 6 INT augment
Omni-Obi/ MAC 3 MAB 5 belt I forget the name.
Hagondas Legs w/ MAB +29 (haven't started farming Amalric yet but these are fine as long as I'm not getting resisted)
Empy 119 feet

Sorry for the laundry list I wanted to post a simple gearset bracket but I'm doing this on my phone and the site seems to be disagreeing with it for some reason.

My stuffs a work in progress but should be viable for what I'm doing with traits, food and buffs.

My apologies again for digging this old topic up from the grave
Posts: 34
By Nellarie 2016-03-31 08:11:28
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I don't know how much help this is, but I fought Pakacet for the first time about a week ago. And I can only speak from the perspective of a puppetmaster, so I don't know if PLD or RUN tanks experience anything differently on this fight... We did the fight a few times and we didn't have any issues at all. (It might have been luck too, since the adds didn't spawn on any of the attempts.. maybe there's a condition for the adds?).

If I remember our party set up it was:


My puppet didn't have any problems. The spike damage wasn't a problem with the Red Mage dispelling the spikes and occasional white procs. Most of our group had decent gear, but no one but me and maybe the whm was 2100 jp yet if I remember. Our strategy was basically just dispel, SC with lizard pet, and MB with Blm. The Blm was ready to sleepga the adds, but they never spawned.

Given what I saw, I'm sure this would be an easy fight for Blue Mage. If your tank trust is dying, then try bringing a pup friend and their puppet should be able to tank it with virtually no support. Geomancer could also perhaps keep the tank trust alive with vex and attunement. I think a Red Mage could also help tremendously for the spike damage.