Pokémon GO! - (Savage)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 765
By Sylph.Kuwoobie 2015-09-10 12:57:08
So they just announced this:
YouTube Video Placeholder
I realize the game itself won't look anything like this until maybe a decade or two of updates, if ever. Even so, I am happy to be alive in this day and age.
For perspective, it is very reminscent but NOT TO BE CONFUSED with Google's April Fool's joke:
YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2015-09-10 13:05:42
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1155
By Bahamut.Soraishin 2015-09-10 13:08:29
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-09-10 13:10:16
They could have at least put in some real gameplay and not just the pokeball crap at the end
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2015-09-10 14:36:46
Ok, that looks potentially epic. But yeah I hope there isn't too much "pay to play" type shenanigans.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1463
By Asura.Carrotchan 2015-09-10 14:58:19
I got really excited for the second vid "Oh yay! A reason to hike!" ...oh nvm April Fool's;-;
\'-'/ Looks great though!
By Draylo 2015-09-10 16:02:21
It's a phone game for pokemon? Seems interesting
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 4648
By Ohji Lunartail 2015-09-10 16:32:20
Its suposidly free to play and DL with in app purchases (prolly pokeballs, ect) and theres a sorta watch thing that Satoru Iwata finishe right before his death that links to your game and notifies ya when theres a pokemon near.

The poketear thing also detaches
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2015-09-16 12:14:38
Looks like I'll be switching to this after FFXI dies in November. Although for much of my LS, last night's update was the last straw for them.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-09-16 12:17:27
I hope that different pokemon aren't spread out too far apart from each other.
It would suck for most people that you could only catch Caterpies in a mile radius from your house.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2015-09-16 12:18:38
I hope that different pokemon aren't spread out too far apart from each other.
It would suck for most people that you could only catch Caterpies in a mile radius from your house.
Kid found wandering 50 miles on interstate to catch wild Poochenyas.
Kid found swimming in drainage ditch, claims wild Grimer were nearby.
By Yatenkou 2015-09-16 12:58:08
Dammit, more bug pokemon in my pool drain...
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 104
By Quetzalcoatl.Kyren 2015-09-16 12:59:35
4chan at it again..
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Server: Excalibur
Posts: 25994
By Anna Ruthven 2015-09-16 13:00:23
"Yeah, is this NASA? Yeah, I would like to go into space.... I want to catch a Deoxys. ....A Deoxys. You know, the Pokemon."
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-17 07:24:48
So, the fight's IRL, are they expecting us to be wearing google glasses or some ***for these "holograms" or is it going to be it's just on your phone....... because the latter would be lame.
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[102 days between previous and next post]
By Kuwoobie 2015-12-28 01:38:07
So I recently learned Pokemon Go will eventually be making use of this technology:
YouTube Video Placeholder
YouTube Video Placeholder
--and now I am much more hopeful for the future. From what I can tell, we won't really be able to "see" the pokemon outside of our phones in the early days, but perhaps this new "Magic Leap" stuff will make it more the way we want it to be.
Information gathered on Reddit so far:
Quote: (NEWEST) Article: How Pokémon Go will benefit from Niantic’s lessons from Ingress on location-based game design Dec 16, 2015
(NEW) "Pokemon, obviously, you’d go out into the real world and find Pokemon and battle them against other players and trade them and go to gyms. That’s how it’s going to work." - John Hanke, CEO of Niantic Labs
(NEW) "It wasn’t totally accidental. Google had worked with Pokémon on a Google Maps mashup for April Fool’s three years ago. We had some experience building a mini-product with them. We actually used the same company to do the launch video for Pokémon Go as worked on the April Fool’s video." - Hanke
(NEW) "This is a Pokémon experience that’s brand new, and yet it goes back to the very origin of the franchise. It’s about a kid who goes out in the world and finds Pokémon. If you strip away a lot of the complexity and stuff that’s been added on, it’s the most basic expression of that concept." - Hanke
(NEW) "We’ve learned a lot on those fronts with Ingress. Even if you’re in a small town — I grew up in a town of 1,000 people in Texas. We had that as a design goal. If we’re going to build a game that works with location, it has to be fun for people anywhere to play, in small towns as well as San Francisco. If we designed something that only worked in San Francisco, it wouldn’t be a real success. We wanted it to work globally." - Hanke
(NEW) "Our goal is to make it so you can walk out of the house and within five minutes, you can find Pokémon. It may not be the most rare Pokémon in the world, but there’ll be a population of Pokémon living near all our players. Gyms will be a bit more rare. You want to find gyms so you can level up your Pokémon and battle there, so it will take a little more effort to get there." - Hanke
(NEW) "Pokémon will live in different parts of the world depending on what type of Pokémon they are. Water Pokémon will live near the water. It may be that certain Pokémon will only exist in certain parts of the world. Very rare Pokémon may exist in very few places. But you can trade. If you live in a place with lots of water Pokémon and you come to an event — we have these Ingress events that are getting bigger and bigger." - Hanke
(NEW) "We’ll have events for Pokémon as well. Those are competitive, but they can also be places to trade stuff with other players. Pokémon trading is going to be huge. You can’t get all of them by yourself. If you want all of them you’ll have to trade with other players. Or you have to be someone who takes time off work and travels the world for a year. There may be people who do that." - Hanke
(NEW) [On the Pokemon Go Plus device] "Why not have a little device that buzzes when you’re near something important? You can interact with it in some subtle way, and then later on you can open up your app or your tablet and you see, 'Oh, I got this or did that.'" - Hanke
(NEW) [On playing with children using the Plus device] "It vibrates and flashes when you’re near Pokémon. When they press a button in a certain sequence they capture it. Then, later on, you can look at it together on your phone or tablet." - Hanke
(NEW) [On the Plus device having the same in-game functions as the phone] "It’s more limited, but it’s heads-up gameplay. I can show you the design prototype. It’s very slightly bigger, a bit heavier, but this is pretty much the size of it. It comes with a bracelet so you can wear it like a wrist device. It’s Fitbit-ish in terms of size. Battery lasts a long time. You don’t have to worry about charging all the time. This is a multicolor LED and button. You’ll notice that it’s the Google Map pen with the Pokeball shape and color fused together. You can imagine kids going to school with this on their backpack." - Hanke
(NEW) [On how many Niantic employees exist as of this article's release] "We’re 41 people." - Hanke
(NEW) [On games getting better when VR comes to market] "Yeah, you get your head out of the phone and hopefully take in more of what’s around you. You’ll get some more interesting visuals. That will be novel for people. It’ll be exciting. Ingress will be enhanced greatly when those devices come to market, as will Pokémon Go and other games we make. It’s going to elevate." - Hanke
(NEW) "Today millions of people are interacting with Ingress. Tens of millions of people will interact with Pokémon Go. You can have differentiated client experiences that interface into that same game world. If 100 people have Magic Leap devices, they can play in the game with 5 million people on smartphones. They’ll have a different experience, one that’s maybe better in ways, but you don’t have to wait until 5 million people have Magic Leap to let them have this fun, social, real world game experience." - Hanke
(NEW) "The places that you’ll interact with in the real world — historical sites, artwork, prominent or special local businesses, those will play a role in Pokémon Go just as they would for us. That same mechanic of encouraging people to take a walk in the park and see some aspect of their city they haven’t seen before, to go explore a nook or cranny in a part of the city they haven’t been to before so they can get a new Pokémon, that will be at work. Measuring how far people have walked and all of that will have specific payoffs for players in Pokémon Go." - Hanke
(NEW) [On live Pokemon Go events happening at game release] "We haven’t announced yet, but I’d say that given the success we’ve had with Ingress, it’s a pretty safe bet." - Hanke
(NEW) "There will be teams to join in Pokémon, more than two. Those teams will compete against one another." - Hanke
(NEW) [When told "The sort of thing that exists within the fiction already."] "Yeah, with different gyms and teams and trainers." - Hanke
(NEW) [When asked about directed story vs user-created story] "Hmm. Nothing to say about that presently. ... I would expect there to be a narrative along with Pokémon, but some of that stuff we’re still working out." - Hanke
Article: Augmented reality zombies, invisible Pokemon and the gaming of things Dec 7th, 2015
"The fun of Ingress and Pokémon Go is not totally confined to what happens on the screen. A lot of it is the experience of being out, walking and seeing things, and interacting with other people." - John Hanke, CEO of Niantic Labs
In Pokémon Go, due out for iOS and Android devices in 2016, players capture, battle, train and trade Pokémon who appear in the real world as you're out walking. [OP's Note: Noticed the word "train" was mentioned which hasn't been mentioned before in other sources. However, this is from the author of the article so it's not necessarily a quote but could be info given to them from John Hanke. I might delete this part since it technically isn't 100% verified.]
Hanke says the team decided to use a stand-alone device rather than a smartwatch because a more affordable stand-alone device has a greater potential to be used by more people.
Article: Play On; This video game inspires people to go outside, and hike, and bike ... Sept 24, 2015
"We’re not quite ready to talk in more depth about Pokémon GO than what was revealed in the announcement press release and assets. Come mid-October we’ll be able to start going into more depth about our plans for the game, and about our plans for real world gaming overall.” - Niantic representative Evan Dexter
Article: ‘Pokémon Go’ Wants to Take Monster Battles to the Street Sept 10, 2015
A spokesman for Niantic declined to say what kinds of items will be for sale but said the the game won’t include ads.
Pokémon Company didn’t give many details on how the videogame will take to the streets, other than to say it will use location-tracking technology to identify when there is a Pokémon-toting player.
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[196 days between previous and next post]
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1654
By Carbuncle.Lynxblade 2016-07-11 06:49:57
bump......anyways, some of the stories I've been hearing about this game are hillairious/kind of sad.
apparently a lil girl was playing this game, and found a dead body.
Two people also used this game to rob people or something.....
Dear god what has Nintendo done......
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-11 07:06:35
Carbuncle.Lynxblade said: »bump......anyways, some of the stories I've been hearing about this game are hillairious/kind of sad.
apparently a lil girl was playing this game, and found a dead body.
Two people also used this game to rob people or something.....
Dear god what has Nintendo done......
Made their stock go up 25%.
By Asura.Shiraiyuki 2016-07-11 07:14:23
Installed it through a seperate APK last friday to see what the hubub that my Aussie friends were making was about.
Started it up, caught 2 Pokémon and uninstalled it when I saw the drain on my battery caused by it.
(My battery lost power while charging on my work Laptop.)
That said, one of the comic artists of the Dutch Metro newspaper made a comic about it.

(It's in Dutch, but I think there's enough context to warant me not translating it.)
Forum Moderator
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2016-07-11 07:52:44
If your having battery problems go to Google maps app on your android phone and download an offline map. It means google maps isnt running in the background. Battery will last longer
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-07-11 07:55:13
game seems overly simplistic, there's no combat strategy like every other pokemon game had and it's already got cash shop involvement that's closer to pay to win than free addon
amazing idea, i'm just not seeing where the fun comes from in their implementation
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-11 08:03:43
If your having battery problems go to Google maps app on your android phone and download an offline map. It means google maps isnt running in the background. Battery will last longer
Will this work on iphone?
Forum Moderator
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6115
By Sylph.Shadowlina 2016-07-11 08:05:26
If your having battery problems go to Google maps app on your android phone and download an offline map. It means google maps isnt running in the background. Battery will last longer
Will this work on iphone? No. I don't think so
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2016-07-11 08:12:14
I've had several problems, my GPS tracking can sometimes be very dodgy, I can't seem to use AR mode, it complains about not being able to detect my phone's orientation.
Overall though it's a fun little distraction when I'm walking places.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-11 08:46:34
I've been playing this game since it was released on Android, and I can personally say I am sorely underwhelmed by the direction they could have turned this game. Its still early, but I'm disappointed in a few things, but here are my 10 takeaways so far:
1. The game evidently revolves around catching pokemon exclusively. You can battle gym trainers and such, but the aspect of the game where you catch, fight wild pokemon, and level up doesn't exist in the ordinary sense.
2.There is Cumulative Power + Player level, which increase by catching more pokemon and powering up your pokemon. This pretty much removes leveling through fighting in the wild. A large departure from previous games. The worst part about this that I've found is that you can actually catch the same pokemon over and over and over again and still gain exp, though it seems to be smaller. getting to level 5 grants you access to gyms, which is easily obtainable by just catching every pokemon you ever encounter, whether needed or not.
3. It uses full internet + GPS connection, and, if you do not frequently shut off background apps and monitor your battery drain, your phone may overheat very quickly (similar to tethering on older phones). Its kind of a drag.
4. PokeStops are really far in between in some places, and you literally have to be RIGHT within the general walking distance of it for you to collect items from it. I get that part, but this makes playing while driving (especially on the highway) nearly impossible, since you seem to get the "PokeStop is too far away message" when trying to enter one when driving away from it. Meh. Also, its only a matter of time before people get into car accidents playing this game trying to catch pokemon.
4b. I wil say that this game is A GREAT WAY to encourage people to be more fit. I'm surprised they didn't use this as a sales pitch! I actually was motivated to walk 3 miles at my job walking the campus grounds after work last week searching nearby "wooded" entrances for pokemon. Didn't find much, but I amassed about 7000 steps in about 40 minutes, all while stopping to catch pokemon and visit enarby pokestops (playgrounds in my area). Very cool!
5. Pokémon Incense is silly. It "attracts" wild pokemon to your area, but not nearly as potent as it should. I still only saw 5-10 pokemon while walking up and down the street near my house with incense on, for 30 minutes. You'd think that's basically the average you would find anyways, why not allow the incense to attract pokemon at a large rate, like 90% everywhere? It's not strong enough (from the 3 times I used it) to warrant buying these en masse.
6. I am finding it much harder to find rarer pokemon than the basic scrub ones, even when they are common in my area (and with Incense on). Caterpie, Pidgey, and Rattata are everywhere (which is exactly how the game was in older versions), but its kind of stupid that, with as many that there are available in the PokeWorld, you see these 95% of the time. Venonat, Scyther, and Bulbasaur were all within my general area, the former 2 having 3 footprints for each (which represents their common presence vs rarer enounters). Never once saw either of the 3. I ended up finding Venonat near my house, but couldn't catch him. The very next hour, my home was infested with Weedles, and never saw Venonat again. I don't get that.
7. The catch system is cool, in my opinion. You do get a sense of completion from gathering pokemon, especially ones you don't have. That's cool.
8. There is no way currently to chat internally with other players (though the batter drain issue is big enough of a problem). This would be helpful if at, for instance, local stops, it indicated how many players have passed by there recently, and you could leave notes indicating where rare pokemon could be found. It would just be better to communicate with others to find pokemon.
9. The "bushes" that ruffle are supposed to alert the player that pokemon are nearby. Unless I am mistaken, clicking on the bushes is supposed to force an encounter? Sorry I read this somewhere and I could be wrong. Tried it for a few days and got nothing to sprout from clicking bushes. This could simply mean that there are pokemon in this area, but you have to wait for them to just "appear", which seems uncommon.
10. You cannot play this game in your home or at a friend's house or at work on break. Because the game revolves around moving physically (which again, I get), it means that when you're at home and you've caught all the pokemon in your area at day/night/morning, you should just turn the game off because you cannot accomplish anything else at the moment.
At this point in game, there is really nothing to buy besides pokeballs, incense, and bag expander and egg incubator, which the latter 2 have probably no value at this point in the game yet. Incense, as stated above, I have no reason to buy because they don't attract them unusually high and they don't even attract rarer ones, which would be a better reason for me to buy it.
tl;dr - PokeMon Go is a fun game that requires you to travel to catch pokemon. But if you are looking for a way to kill your battery in 1 hour while burning calories and not being able to truly "battle" other players and pokemon, you'll be thrilled!
I did write this with a negative tone to it, but I will continue to play this game and monitor it frequently as updates come out.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2803
By Cerberus.Anjisnu 2016-07-11 09:06:30
any pokemon go related deaths yet ?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-11 09:25:27
Not that I read, but lol:
Funny parts:
Quote: Pokémon Go warns players to keep aware of their surroundings during their virtual treasure hunt, but after only a few days since its release it has already led people into a string of bizarre incidents. People have ended up in hospitals after chasing nonexistent animals into hazardous spots, and schools, a state agency and Australian police have warned people not to break the law or endanger themselves while “Pokemoning”. The game has also led wanderers to at least one home misidentified as a church, a venue the app considers a public space.
In Wyoming on Friday, the game led a teenager to a dead body in a river. “I just got up and went for my little walk, a walk to catch Pokémon,” 19-year-old Shayla Wiggens told local KCWY news. The pursuit led her to a highway bridge over the river, where she jumped a fence to approach the water. She spotted two deer near the water’s edge, and then a black shirt and pants – a corpse lying prone in the water, 6ft to her left.
This is the first week. I noticed this app does tend to lure and attract you to places you normally wouldn't go, especially if there is a PokeStop. Over the weekend I travelled to NJ. While stopping for coffee, I noticed a pokestop behind the WaWa. I walked, and it said it was a park on the app. As I got closer to the area (it was nighttime), I noticed several gravestones nearby. The park was actually a cemetary, formerly a park, which had been purchased later and changed. This is just anexample of how people should be cautious while playing this game, as the locations in the game are not always exactly as they are IRL.
Disclaimers never looked so good.
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-11 09:27:44
What I find dissappointing so far is that with all the server issues, they have not offered any free items to make up for it.
Other mobile games would offer apology items for down time etc. I constantly see people posting in RT about being showered with items during maint periods.
By fonewear 2016-07-11 09:28:09
any pokemon go related deaths yet ?
Just a matter of time !
Cause of death Charmander was in a river near a bridge...so I jumped.
Server: Excalibur
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-11 09:35:33
All our pokestops are at fkin churches -_-
So they just announced this:
YouTube Video Placeholder
I realize the game itself won't look anything like this until maybe a decade or two of updates, if ever. Even so, I am happy to be alive in this day and age.
For perspective, it is very reminscent but NOT TO BE CONFUSED with Google's April Fool's joke:
YouTube Video Placeholder