Monster Hunter

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Monster Hunter
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Zekky
Posts: 3787
By Asura.Zekky 2016-07-03 23:15:46
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I don't care if MH ever goes back to the Sony consoles. I think it runs better on the 3DS more so than the PSP/Vita. I just would like to see it on a big console like Wii U or the future NX. That'd be fantastic. But I'm going to play it regardless.
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-03 23:42:09
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Comparing anything to Final Fantasy sales numbers these days is like saying you can beat the sports team that rode in on the short bus thanks to Lightning.

It just doesn't make a lot of sense even over there to put it on Vita, you aren't going to sell that many more copies over there when half as many people have Vita as have a 3DS. Even worse stateside because there are only 1 vita for every 10 3DS.

Plus while it may have dominated sales over there, it didn't do good here, it did like 1/8th (lol I was only looking at PS4 version here... so really more like 1/16th) the sales of *** of Doody. I really doubt they would ever put forth any time/money to develop, or even port and then localize a game that doesn't even sell well here, for a console with 1/10th the user base.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-07-04 00:00:30
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It was never developed on Vita. PSP = 3DS technology further showing how cheap Capcom has been since WiiU. Thier biggest franchise and that's all they can handle and are willing to do for it? They couldve made a fortune if they had brought Monster Hunter Frontier outside of Japan since it's an MMO & PC game.

What MH should be like in 2016...
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..what Capcom has done w/ MH instead
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-07-04 00:11:55
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Grumpy Cat said: »
It just doesn't make a lot of sense even over there to put it on Vita, you aren't going to sell that many more copies over there when half as many people have Vita as have a 3DS.
You dont sound familiar with MH nor understand that games sell systems. Not systems sell games. You got it backwards. MH4 on Vita would have drove Vita sales through the roof, which is what happened on PSP. So a very big win for Nintendo on that one.
Grumpy Cat said: »
I really doubt they would ever put forth any time/money to develop, or even port and then localize a game that doesn't even sell well here, for a console with 1/10th the user base.
MH Frontier on PC, never arrived outside of Japan, and it's due to such foolish thinking that the franchise has stagnated onto ancient 3DS technology. Capcom done *** up from the start.... which really is a cryengine shame
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-04 00:49:08
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Therein lies the inherent problem with the MH franchise and Capcom in general. They are not a console manufacturer, they do not gain the most benefit from having their games sell consoles (which is a flawed economic philosophy btw, "games sell consoles" doesn't explain why the dreamcast died for example).

I actually am familiar with the series, and because of that I can recognize that until Monster Hunter X, the series has been extremely dull, un-innovative and stagnant. MH3 had the new water thing which failed, and was removed. MH4 added mounting... which is honestly a mess, but at least it was newish. A couple new weapons each time, but ultimately rinse/repeat. Monster Hunter over the years has given me more of a feeling of Super Monster Hunter, Super Monster Hunter Arcade Edition, Super Monster Hunter Arcade TURBO.

FORTUNATELY for all of us, Toukiden and a few other series have started popping up in the genre. This means competition, this means Capcom actually needing to breathe a LOT of life back into this series, instead of their usual minor updates between releases. This means that -potentially- they could be forced into the Vita environment, unless they want to just give up that entire Japanese market. Maybe they will even push the game to a point where the things they want to do with it are too limited by the 3DS and they will HAVE to switch.

But keep in mind, they are not going to look at hypothetical. They are not going to hope that releasing a Vita MH stateside will push up Vita sales. They are going to look at numbers that already exist. About 20% of people who bought a 3DS in 2015 picked up MH4U. If 20% of people who bought a Vita in the US that same year bought a MH Vita game, they would only sell around 46,000 copies.

I don't want to sound like I don't want MH to succeed, or I don't want it to come out on something other than 3DS, I absolutely do. Just not like it is now. If MHGen were to get ported to Vita, it would fail, and Capcom would give up on ever moving it out of the 3DS ever again. It needs, really deserves, a full revamping and overhaul to make it succeed on more powerful systems. So I think, oddly enough, the best way we can help Capcom and MH get there is to buy a copy of Toukiden 2 when it comes out because if that game fails, and there is no more competition to MH, you better believe you will never see a non 3DS MH game again.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-07-04 01:06:30
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Thank you for making your point more clear cuz I couldnt agree more. Do I really care that much about Vita vs 3DS? NO! It just bugs the living ***out of me knowing the "NEXT Monster Hunter game!" is being developed on technology that compares to PSP ...not Vita. I hope you're right and competition brings some fire into the MH dev team and inspires them to do what only they can do themselves. Give me a reason beyond Overwatch to invest $4k into the highest end PC if I must and I'll do it. Just stop w/ all these gd 3DS games...
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-07-04 02:20:23
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You might be onto something here
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This really doesnt look all that bad from what I can tell gameplay wise.
I just recall trying the original Toukiden Demo and absolutely hated it. Only reminded me of MH and made me want to play MH instead atm. Maybe part 2 is alot better. I will always dream of a combat system w/ a more MH/Zelda like influence w/in a Final Fantasy MMO game as well. Less macros and auto attacks. More manual control over dodging, shielding, parrying attacks w/ ofc mages and chocobos.
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-14 16:32:03
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So close!

Everyone have a first weapon picked out? HH for me!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-07-14 17:40:38
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Switch axe most likely. I really liked it in MH4U.

I may try Charge blade or Longsword/Greast sword, though.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-07-14 17:42:41
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sword+shield, the changes to it in MHG look dope. Affinity oil gonna be really strong. Exhaust oil should also be pretty ridiculous.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Lynxblade
Posts: 1654
By Carbuncle.Lynxblade 2016-07-14 17:52:21
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in mh4u great sword was the weapon I was best with, but insect glaive was my fav weapon to play.
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-15 10:15:45
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I was hoping to download this before work and hiding in my office all day to play. :<
Posts: 6304
By Ackeron 2016-07-15 16:35:37
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Anyone know when I can start making gear for my Palicos?

Edit: Nvm found it, or at least you can craft it in the Multiplayer hub.
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-15 19:21:02
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Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-07-15 23:31:47
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So few observations so far:

-Quest giver in the first village is annoying as *** pls no

-Holding A to gather is probably the best MH invention since airships

-Palicoes have become a bit more complex but also a lot easier to scout

-Game goes back to the MH roots of giving you a metric *** of ***to do all at the same time. Once you finish 1* quests the game almost becomes open world.

-Sword and Shield is the dankest dankness, Exhaust oil too strong. pls nerf

Prolly some other ***but yea. I like it, not sure if I like it as much as 4 yet, certainly not as much as Tri/FU, but the QoL additions are quite dope
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2016-07-16 15:06:16
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Loving this way more than 4, seems to be heading towards new favorite over Tri/3U. Need to get my brother to at least try the demo. I know he'll love Aerial everything after he sees the somersault and whatnot.

Using Aerial Gunlance right now, mostly for front hopping and Full Burst spam to build the heat gauge quickly. All the starting GLs are Normal anyway so now's the time.

Also diggin this Simon Belmont armor from Bulldrome
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-16 16:07:29
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
-Holding A to gather is probably the best MH invention since airships
I didn't realize you can hold it, I thought it was like a chain-gather so I was tapping A. Awesome.

Sad I only get to take 2 palico out with me though :( I want my full cat party!
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-22 09:15:24
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
-Quest giver in the first village is annoying as *** pls no

Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-22 12:47:37
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Another fairly big new change I just learned about is that while mounted other players can continue to attack the monster without worrying about messing up the mount. Now when players hit a monster that another player is on, instead of doing damage during that phase they actually help the topple bar increase. Pretty nice change.

I'm now back on my Hunter. I restarted and decided to do 2* offline mode as a cat. That was pretty fun, and I miss the infinite stamina already, I may go back to being a cat for a bit when I finally get online.

A decent/easy starter set btw:

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Posts: 6304
By Ackeron 2016-07-24 22:03:51
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Trying to figure out a endgame set to aim for but I can't find any armor calculators that are in english.

Finished the story for single player >_>
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-25 06:51:56
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Ackeron said: »
Trying to figure out a endgame set to aim for but I can't find any armor calculators that are in english.

Finished the story for single player >_>

Link from 6 months ago for X, might be a good starting point.

I myself... am trying to get through the story still. I have a feeling that every quest I look at and go "meh, I'll do that one later" is actually a key quest.

Switched over to SnS and Aerial style, been having a blast. I tried it on HH and... they just don't go together well I feel. I still have a long list of weapons I have never given a fair shake to, Switchaxe, Dual Blades, LBG, Bow, Hammer. Though, I do want to get that Chargeblade that has the pizza shield.
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-07-25 07:04:41
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Also, apparently I was not supposed to kill the big mammoth on the quest where you gather 3 Popo Tongues... I used every item I had, everything the Veggie Elder gave me, crafted a buncha crap. Killed him with 5 minutes left to do the actual quest with.
Posts: 6304
By Ackeron 2016-07-25 12:26:36
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Grumpy Cat said: »
Ackeron said: »
Trying to figure out a endgame set to aim for but I can't find any armor calculators that are in english.

Finished the story for single player >_>

Link from 6 months ago for X, might be a good starting point.

I myself... am trying to get through the story still. I have a feeling that every quest I look at and go "meh, I'll do that one later" is actually a key quest.

Switched over to SnS and Aerial style, been having a blast. I tried it on HH and... they just don't go together well I feel. I still have a long list of weapons I have never given a fair shake to, Switchaxe, Dual Blades, LBG, Bow, Hammer. Though, I do want to get that Chargeblade that has the pizza shield.
My Hero.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [37 days between previous and next post]
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-08-31 01:21:49
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PS4 - Monster Hunter MMO otw..... Japan only I bet
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [38 days between previous and next post]
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2016-10-08 05:00:34
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Monster Hunter Frontier 2 In Development At Capcom Korea, Coming to PS4 – Rumor

a new rumor (via NeoGAF) seems to indicate that Monster Hunter Frontier 2 may be in development at Capcom Korea for PlayStation 4 and PC. The new MMO would presumably be updated for fourth generation Monster Hunter mechanics (the existing Monster Hunter Frontier is based on second generation mechanics), and is apparently going to be built on Unreal Engine 4.
This mf better be coming outside of Japan ffs...

PS4Monster Hunter For PS4, Xbox One, And PC: ‘Frontier Online 2’ To Test Popularity Outside Japan?