Random Politics & Religion #00

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Random Politics & Religion #00
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-29 12:59:04
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Odin.Jassik said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Huh. So fracking is actually a major contributing factor to lower oil prices.

Its fun to watch the libs writhe as they must face the fact that "drill baby drill" works.

Nobody questioned whether it could lower prices, that's economics 101, they question the drawbacks of poisoning your own back yard.

Oh, you musta missed that whole conversation I had a week or so ago in here about it.

Plenty were.

No, you misunderstood the basic premise that there are 2 aspects to it's contribution:
1. Will it be significant
2. What is it's relative cost

If the impact is large, prices could drop (assuming other markets don't move to compensate) to a point where it is no longer profitable.

That prompts a lot of rational people to question whether it's worth it. If it drops the overall price at the pump by 10 cents but you have to have a pipeline running through your front yard, I'd say it's a pretty poor tradeoff.
Server: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-11-29 13:27:33
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I don't often read NBC, MSNBC, but here's a great article from CNBC:

Will the US give the Dutch their gold back?

"The question of why Germany can't get its gold back is perhaps the biggest mystery in the financial world today," he told CNBC via email. "I think the Netherlands (and some Swiss voters) are entirely correct in wanting to make sure that their gold is someplace where their own representatives can count it."

Switzerland is holding an important referendum on its gold holdings this weekend, with its citizens set to decide whether the Swiss National Bank (SNB) should refrain from selling any more of its gold and instead boost its gold holdings from 7 to 20 percent.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-11-29 13:34:22
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Looks like that guy Gartman should get a clue before commenting. He admits to not being a gold bug but then makes a bunch of empty accusations. For all he knows, the transaction already happened.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13624
By Bahamut.Ravael 2014-11-29 15:20:36
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Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
I don't often read NBC, MSNBC, but here's a great article from CNBC:

Will the US give the Dutch their gold back?

"The question of why Germany can't get its gold back is perhaps the biggest mystery in the financial world today," he told CNBC via email. "I think the Netherlands (and some Swiss voters) are entirely correct in wanting to make sure that their gold is someplace where their own representatives can count it."

Switzerland is holding an important referendum on its gold holdings this weekend, with its citizens set to decide whether the Swiss National Bank (SNB) should refrain from selling any more of its gold and instead boost its gold holdings from 7 to 20 percent.
Dang it Chaos, I already used this pic recently, but you can't mention the Dutch and gold without an obligatory
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-11-29 17:32:56
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Last week, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved draft legislation to amend the country's Basic Law to declare that Israel is "the national homeland of the Jewish people" instead of a "Jewish and democratic state," as it had been since the state's founding in 1948, he had to tamp down criticism that the law codifies discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel—20 percent of the country's population.

"There are those who would like the democratic to prevail over the Jewish and there are those who would like the Jewish to prevail over the democratic," said Netanyahu. "Both of these values are equal and both must be considered to the same degree."

However, if there are any questions as to whether or not some within the Israeli government do not want Arab citizens of Israel to remain within the country's borders, one need not look further than Netanyahu's cabinet. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Friday published an updated platform for his ultranationalist party, Yisrael Beiteinu, which includes a "peace plan" that calls on the government to encourage Israeli Arabs to leave the country by offering them "economic incentives" when—and, indeed, if—a Palestinian state becomes a reality.

Lieberman repeated his proposal for land and population swaps between Israel and a future Palestinian state, but took it a step further by encouraging Israel to pay Arab citizens of Israel to move—those "who feel that they are part of the Palestinian people, to resolve this issue of duality and divided loyalties from which they are suffering," adding, "Israel should even encourage them with economic incentives."

"As for Israeli Arabs, any agreement must include a plan for territorial and population exchange," wrote Lieberman in the new platform. "An arrangement of this kind with the Palestinian state will allow Israeli Arabs who do not identify with the State of Israel to become part of the Palestinian state."

Some in Israeli politics say this is nothing more than political tactics ahead of anticipated forthcoming elections. Zahava Gal-On, chairwoman of the left-wing Meretz party, responded to Lieberman's platform change, saying that election panic had driven the foreign minister to a "populist, shady and irresponsible plan that encourages the transfer [of Israeli Arabs] and only fans flames on the ground."

However, Lieberman has routinely made similar comments since coming into the public spotlight in a variety of ministerial roles more than a decade ago. He regularly calls for the requirement of Israeli Arabs to sign a "loyalty oath" or lose their right to vote. In 2006, he described Arab members of the Knesset who met with Hamas members of the Palestinian Authority as "terror collaborators" and called for their execution: "World War II ended with the Nuremberg Trials. The heads of the Nazi regime, along with their collaborators, were executed. I hope this will be the fate of the collaborators in [the Knesset]."

"I’ve always been controversial because I offer new ideas," Lieberman once told The New York Times. "For me to be controversial, I think this is positive."
Israel's Foreign Minister Wants to Pay Israeli Arabs to Leave
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-12-01 20:30:26
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Dec. 12th it seems.

Obama: Fund My Amnesty Or I’ll Shut Down The Government
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2014-12-01 20:43:10
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Lol. Whoever wrote that headline needs to work on their paraphrasing. And it's not amnesty.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-12-01 21:10:34
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Obama is determined to make himself a legal citizen yet.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
Posts: 8022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2014-12-01 21:46:04
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Considering the GOP has said they are going to do everything they can to block the executive order except for shut down the gov't again, I wouldn't be too worried. Especially since their only option is passing immigration reform.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2014-12-01 22:09:33
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An executive order is being used specifically to force congress into action. Everyone is either too stupid or stubborn to figure it out...
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4009
By Odin.Godofgods 2014-12-01 23:26:18
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See all people in Afghanistan
praying to the gods and living in the sand.
Somebody’s gonna have to set them free,
nobody hears the call or command.

But it’s a long way to Harlem,
and a long stretch to the king of Siam.
And if you don’t have a penny,
why should I give a damn?

Ad Hominem. You think you’re better than I am?
Ad Hominem. You think you’re better than I am!

See all the suckers in the handout line
living on scraps and they don’t have a dime.
Waiting for endless charity
devoid of any sense of posterity.

Well there’s no Great Depression
and there’s no Great Society.
And only few go to heaven,
all the rest are damned and free.

Ad Hominem. You think you’re better than I am?
Ad Hominem. You think you’re better than I am!

I’m just a soft-cover version of a much harder tale.
A walking resemblance of ruts in the trail.

Is it possible to divide your ideas and beliefs...
Ideas and beliefs...
Ideas and beliefs from the people that you don’t like?

Ad Hominem. You think you’re better than I am?
Ad Hominem. You think you’re better than I am!

YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-12-02 08:56:34
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President Barack Obama on Tuesday will press Congress to approve $6.18 billion in emergency funding to help fight the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and prepare U.S. hospitals to handle future cases.

Most of the request is aimed at the immediate response to the disease at home and abroad. But the package also includes $1.5 billion in contingency funds - money that could become a target if lawmakers decide to trim the bill.

"That is the part of the package that is most at risk," said Sam Worthington, president of InterAction, an alliance of U.S. non-governmental aid groups.

While lawmakers recognize that the United States had to take action to arrest the deadly disease, some are wary of giving the administration leeway in investing money in public health systems in West Africa.

"I think there is less understanding of the need to stay in it for the long run and to build the capacity of countries to ensure this doesn't happen in the future," Worthington said in an interview.

The worst Ebola outbreak on record has killed at least 5,987 people since March, mainly in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

The Obama administration came under fire in September after a series of missteps with a man who traveled to Dallas from Liberia and later died of Ebola. Two nurses contracted the disease while caring for the man.

Screening and treatment procedures have since been tightened. There are no current U.S. cases, and stories about the outbreak have faded from headlines.

"My hope is that we're not getting Ebola fatigue setting in," said Bruce Johnson, president of SIM USA, a Christian missionary group helps treat Ebola patients in Liberia. "There continues to be a huge need for this funding."

On Tuesday, Obama will tour and speak at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, where a team of researchers last week published promising results from the first phase of a research trial for an Ebola vaccine.

The vaccine could go into testing in West Africa in the next few weeks - a sign of progress Obama will praise in his remarks, a senior administration official said in an interview.

The contingency funds requested from Congress could be used to help manufacture and distribute a successful vaccine, the official said.

"They're having questions about the contingency fund, but we think as we answer those questions, people understand why it's necessary," the official said.
Obama to urge Congress to loosen purse strings for Ebola fight
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2014-12-02 09:09:03
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All viruses weaken over time... I say we wait it out.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2014-12-02 10:00:19
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Lol. Whoever wrote that headline needs to work on their paraphrasing. And it's not amnesty.

They came here illegally and they get to stay right, sure sounds like they aren't being punished for the crime.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2014-12-02 10:09:46
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Lol. Whoever wrote that headline needs to work on their paraphrasing. And it's not amnesty.

They came here illegally and they get to stay right, sure sounds like they aren't being punished for the crime.


It's not illegal to come to the united states if you're mexican nausi
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2014-12-02 10:16:24
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Lol. Whoever wrote that headline needs to work on their paraphrasing. And it's not amnesty.

They came here illegally and they get to stay right, sure sounds like they aren't being punished for the crime.


It's not illegal to come to the united states if you're mexican nausi

Who said anything about being a mexican?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2014-12-02 10:21:09
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Lol. Whoever wrote that headline needs to work on their paraphrasing. And it's not amnesty.

They came here illegally and they get to stay right, sure sounds like they aren't being punished for the crime.


It's not illegal to come to the united states, nausi

Who said anything about being a mexican?

alright, here you go.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2014-12-02 10:28:36
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Lol. Whoever wrote that headline needs to work on their paraphrasing. And it's not amnesty.

They came here illegally and they get to stay right, sure sounds like they aren't being punished for the crime.


It's not illegal to come to the united states, nausi

Who said anything about being a mexican?

alright, here you go.

So sneaking in undocumented and/or overstaying your visa doesn't violate US immigration law?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2014-12-02 10:30:31
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look at you, getting all high & mighty because you snuck into the USA from a vagina instead of over a fence.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2014-12-02 10:36:50
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He's an illegal immigrant from the Republican controlled country of Heaven.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2014-12-02 10:38:50
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Confessions of an illegal immigrant....
The problem is everyone screams the word
ILLEGAL!!! before the word immigrant as if these "illegal immigrants" broke into america by cutting a padlock off a giant warehouse door with giant bolt cutters after incapacitating the guards with tranquilizer sniper rifles while mission impossible music played in the background.

the majority of them walked across the border with temporary work visas to pick tomatoes or grapes or whatever and simply stayed LONGER THAN THEY DECLARED

Have you ever crossed an international border? They say "what is the purpose of your visit? and "how long are you planning to stay?"

give it a try sometime... go to canada and tell them you are going to niagra falls for the day and then STAY THE WHOLE WEEKEND!!!


and you know what they do if you are still there six months from now? NOTHING!

and maybe if you get picked up and don't have a good excuse they will give you a free bus ride home. But we can make it sound sinister if we call it...

I got picked up by a cop hitchhiking illegally on the highway in toronto canada as an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT and the cop drove me to a truck stop used his CB radio to find me a ride back to america when I told him that is where I was going
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2014-12-02 10:53:08
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
So sneaking in undocumented and/or overstaying your visa doesn't violate US immigration law?


let's pretend some of them got work visas and just never left. maybe they have family here or whatever...

Start Here

Ok, now you're from Honduras. You came to pick tomatoes and it's March and I am officer nikolce of the ffxiah city. and I picked you up jaywalking and you lost your visa.

what crime do I book you on?

and on the misdemeanor/felony scale

is it a greater or lesser crime than fishing without a license?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2014-12-02 10:56:13
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and while I am being honest, not only was I an illegal immigrant in canada but I am also a career criminal...
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2014-12-02 11:03:09
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the canadian cop who picked me up also told me where it was legal to hitchhike from (on ramps, without signage forbidding it, to the expressway)

and then... /sniff after he gave me a ride to the truck stop in his warm car and used his CB to find a truck driver heading to america that was willing to take me with him.... he..... he........

He told me to be careful!


By 2014-12-02 11:08:35
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-12-02 11:32:10
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You don't stop at a yellow light. You either slow down, or gun it before it turns red.
By 2014-12-02 11:58:47
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Post deleted by User.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2014-12-02 12:19:22
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Yellow lights are "Proceed with Caution".

Some times that means you slow down or stop, others it can mean you need to floor it to prevent causing an accident. Really depends on the situation, but either way, it still means "Use caution"
By 2014-12-02 12:39:20
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Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2014-12-02 12:44:00
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arguing about yellow lights sums up this thread nicely.
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