I am confused on how the Ryunohige AM3 works. I know the AM3 is checked before triple and double attack gear, but does that go for quadruple attack gear as well? I keep reading that triple and double attack gear hurts your AM3, but I can't find anyone stating exactly why that is? From my understanding, with AM3 up you have a 40% chance of attacking once and that is the only time triple and double attack gear can activate?
I was wondering the same as well.
I'm not 100% sure of what I say btw, if anyone can prove me wrong or correct me, pls do so. But if Mythic doesn't work like SEA weapons, then you won't benefit much from DA and TA in gear.
Basicly, if you have no gear no aftermath, you have 100% chance of swinging once. If you put 10% DA gear, you should have 10% chance of double atatcking (or 25/256 for the exactm number i think).
Now with aftermath, you have 40% chance of swinging once with no gear. Adding a 10% DA, will, to my understanding, make those 40% à 10% chance of double attacking. Aka, your 10 DA gear will only add "4%".
Edit : Not true, DA check before oat, but can use the same reasonement.
Another question, does all mythic works the same? My friend got a terpsi99, and since they don't work like sea weapons, was thinking she wouldn't benefit much from saber dance.
One more question about Ryu, what earring will you use? Str one, or moonshade with bonus tp? Will the bonus tp enhance the crit hit rate? And obviously i wont use moonshade at 300tp, but i was thinking for regular drakes at 100ish.