Merit Suggestions?

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Merit suggestions?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Zubis
Posts: 235
By Quetzalcoatl.Zubis 2011-12-18 08:21:33
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My merits need to be redone since they haven't been touched since 2008 or so. Any recommendations?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2011-12-18 09:58:08
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Personally, for when I got around to meriting PLD, I was planning:

PLD only
Sentinel Recast 5/5
Rampart Recast 5/5

Iron Will 5/5
Chivalry 1/5
Fealty 4/5

HP 12/12
DEX 8/8
Sword 8/8
Shield 8/8
Enmity+ 5/5
Crit Hit Rate 5/5

Then possibly:
Divine Magic 8/8
Enhancing Magic 8/8
Ninjutsu (if possible) 8/8 [though that was mainly for NIN/THF]

Some of those choices were based on having THF and NIN already, but benefitting PLD either way (Enmity+, DEX, Crit Hit Rate, HP mainly).

Divine/Enhancing were planned to help Reprisal/Phalanx/Enlight. Sword/Shield should be pretty obvious.

Rampart Recast was a bit of a toss up between that vs Shield Bash for me, I mostly planned on my PLD for either inside Abyssea with my WHM or outside with my RDM. So neither would've been ungodly awesome (and truthfully, I still can't really decide between the pair).
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Thoraeon
Posts: 2215
By Siren.Thoraeon 2011-12-18 10:18:48
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-12-18 10:45:16
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Siren.Thoraeon said: »

Probably, but not absolutely.
Some PLDs might also be playing jobs that benefit from more DEX (MNK, THF, NIN?). One's character race might also play a role in your decision-making. Elvaan, for example, have low natural DEX (I think?).

I'm certainly not saying one should merit STR ... but my point is that merit points are designed to customize your character to your specific preferences, roles, and jobs.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: krazyrs
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2011-12-18 10:59:43
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pld i have
5/5 sentinel/rampart
1/5 fealty
4/5 chivalry
5/5 iron will

HP 12/12 recapping with new update

since mithra (high dex/agi)
str 8/8 recapping again

Hand2Hand 8/8
Great Sword 6/8
Great Axe 6/8
Kantana 8/8
shield 4/4

Crit Rate 5/5
Enemy Crit Rate 5/5
i used to have enmity+ 5/5, is good for quick fights but he longer ones, eventually DDs hit the cap too

Elemental/Enfeeble/Ninjutsu 8/8
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Galiber
Posts: 228
By Ragnarok.Galiber 2012-05-15 06:10:33
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Wuold Healing Magic merits be a better choice than Divine/Enhancing post update?

I have 8/8 BLU, and 8/8 NIN that I'm not taking out, wanted the last 8 to be for PLD, but I'm pretty indecided between Healing and Divine.
By 2012-05-15 06:21:02
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: arcalimo
Posts: 254
By Ragnarok.Arcalimo 2012-05-15 07:05:41
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Imo, not like any of those would be really relevant for Pld anyway, but if you plan on use your rdm or any other mage in the future, you will need enhancing merits to reach the 500 cap, and even if you really don't need them to cap in some cases, they will save you 2-3 inv. slots which is invaluable.
I don't really see the healing merits being better anyway, that extra hp healed will be wasted a lot of times, plus in the times that run now, you don't really heal yourself for hate now, it's just better to zorro stuff for hate and let the mages heal you so you don't lose melee time. That leaves them for solo situations or when you can't do dmg for some reason, and even in those situations, the extra 16 skill on phalanx which can add 1-2 dmg taken less on every hit, will slowly make up or even surpass the extra hp healed on every cure.
Again i don't see them really relevant for pld, but considering your other jobs i'd go for the enhancing.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: galbir
Posts: 1290
By Shiva.Galbir 2012-05-15 07:14:31
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Just putting this into perspective a bit:

Naked Hume pld/war capped healing magic:
Mnd: 85
Vit: 91
Skill: 373

Cure III: 287
Cure IV: 534

Naked Hume pld/war capped healing magic & merits:
Mnd: 85
Vit: 91
Skill: 389

Cure III: 290 (3 more hp cured)
Cure IV: 541 (5 more hp cured)

I would go with enhancing.
By 2012-05-15 07:52:13
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: arcalimo
Posts: 254
By Ragnarok.Arcalimo 2012-05-15 13:10:34
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Odin.Ryuotas said: »
Shiva.Galbir said: »
Just putting this into perspective a bit:

Naked Hume pld/war capped healing magic:
Mnd: 85
Vit: 91
Skill: 373

Cure III: 287
Cure IV: 534

Naked Hume pld/war capped healing magic & merits:
Mnd: 85
Vit: 91
Skill: 389

Cure III: 290 (3 more hp cured)
Cure IV: 541 (5 more hp cured)

I would go with enhancing.

Good point, wasn't aware that it'd have such a little effect (have yet to mess about with the new Cure formula).

Also, by my math, a 16 Enhancing Magic Skill increase would still keep a capped D-Skill Phalanx at 29 Damage mitigated. Unless I calculated incorrectly, Paladin needs 358 Enhancing in order to achieve the 30/Hit Phalanx threshold. So that would be 24 Skill in Gear without Merits, or 8 Skill with Merits (Gallant Breeches +1, Colossus'/Enhancing Torque, Merciful Cape, Olympus Sash, Augmenting Earring, and Aptus Earring are the only pieces that come to mind). However, even with all that Enhancing Gear/Merits, you'd still be stuck at the 30/Hit threshold.

So really, just feels like a toss up between Enhancing Merits/Enhancing Gear or solely Enhancing Gear, depending on how congested your Inventory is; thankfully, none of the aforementioned are terribly difficult to obtain, so opting not allocate Merits into Enhancing is certainly viable.

Furthermore, while minimal, an extra 3/5 H.P. recovered on Cure III or Cure IV will amount to something over time.

You are right, for some reason i was confused with the old formula.
Even with that, i still think the same, for inventory reasons and for how usefull its for his other jobs.
Also keep in mind that even if it's just 1 dmg less, if the enemy needs more than 5 hits to do you the 541 dmg (108,2/hit), which isn't rare in the situations you would be needing to cure yourself, phalanx will also give you the same 5 extra hp back, and the extra hp from phalanx cannot be wasted by healing yourself by less than full potency of your cure.
While its a sightly inferior bonus it will also stack up and in the majority of situations at a higher rate than the bonus from the cures.
By 2012-05-15 13:15:36
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