Ok so we had a discussion onGW and I've decid to test some set.
RACE: Mithra
Related merits: 5/5 barspell
8/8 INT
8/8 Enhancing Magic skill
Abyssea - Ulegerand
Decent Challenge
Atma used: None
Cruor Buffs: MP/HP only
Spell used: Stonega III
All done with Light arts on.
Test no1.
Enhancing Magic skill: 357
Earth resist: 124
No solace
1.477 dmg
2.237 dmg
3.477 dmg
4.477 dmg
5.477 dmg
6.477 dmg
7.238 dmg
8.477 dmg
9.478 dmg
10.475 dmg
Test no.2
(this one was out of curiosity wondered if the MDB was a hidden effect from body only or absolutly needed solace as well)
Enhancing Magic skill: 357
Earth resist: 124
No solace
1.496 dmg
2.505 dmg
3.505 dmg
4.505 dmg
5.502 dmg
6.502 dmg
7.502 dmg
8.502 dmg
9.499 dmg
10.502 dmg
Conclusion:After doing x10 stonega 3 with blessed only and 10x totally naked, I came to the conclusion that the body doesnt have any MDB if you don't have solace on.
Test no.3
Enhancing Magic skill: 357
Earth resist: 124
With solace on
Note: This one has been done during eartsday hence why the DMG spike.
1.444 dmg
2.487 dmg
3.442 dmg
4.487 dmg
5.442 dmg
6.221 dmg
7.210 dmg
8.442 dmg
9.485 dmg
10.442 dmg
Conclusion: Since the test wit blessed has been done during fireday, I can pretty much confirm that blessed is indeed 5 mdb and orison bliaud +2 is 10 mdb paired with solace.Wich means that orison +2 is better then blessed.
Now to full set test.
Test no.4
Enhancing Magic skill: 407
Earth resist: 161
With solace on
1.427 dmg
2.429 dmg
3.427 dmg
4.0 (set procc)
5.214 dmg
6.106 dmg
7.429 dmg
8.0 (set procc)
9.214 dmg
10.429 dmg
Overall damage taken:2675
The rasp resist rate was alot higher then the other 2.
Test no.5
Enhancing Magic skill: 402
Earth resist: 140
With solace on
1.429 dmg
2.0 (set procc)
3.429 dmg
4.431 dmg
5.384 dmg
6.429 dmg
7.431 dmg
8.384 dmg
9.388 dmg
10.429 dmg
Overall Damage Taken:3434
The difference Between 5/5 +2 and 3/5 +2 isn't huge but we can see it a lil.
Also what the hell, set procc'd more often at 3/5 then 5/5 +2 -_-.
Test no.6
(for the septics)
Enhancing Magic skill: 407
Earth resist: 161
With solace on
1.469 dmg
2.469 dmg
3.199 dmg
4.469 dmg
5.452 dmg
6.469 dmg
7.452 dmg
8.469 dmg
9.469 dmg
10.469 dmg
Overall Damage taken: 4386
AF3 +2 set effect rate test
Calculated with Kparser with an aprox of 100 spells.All days are neutral.Aggain no atma or cruor buff use aside HP/MP for my own survival @_@
Abyssea - Ulegerand
Test no.1
Enhancing Magic skill: 402
Earth resist: 140
With solace on
Vanadiel day: Iceday
0 dmg: 5 times
581 dmg: 5 times
604 dmg: 21 times
Total quake casted : 31
Stone IV
0 dmg: 4 times
209 dmg: 2 times
401 dmg: 4 times
419 dmg: 23 times
525 dmg: 1 time
Total stone IV casted: 34
Stonega III
0 dmg: 4 times
109 dmg: 1 times
437 dmg: 5 times
454 dmg: 29 times
Total stonega III casted: 39
Total SET Bonus procc: 13/104
Total overall Damage: 43233 for 104 spell casted.
Test no.2
For this test, worms went down to decent challenge, since I am testing procc rate mainly, I didn't bother redoing the first test.
Vanadiel day: Thundersday
Enhancing Magic skill: 402
Earth resist: 160
With solace on
0 dmg: 1 times
142 dmg: 1 time
288 dmg: 1 time
570 dmg: 2 times
572 dmg: 3 times
578 dmg: 9 times
Total Quake casted: 17
Stone IV
0 dmg: 4 times
48 dmg: 1 time
97 dmg: 1 time
131 dmg: 1 time
194 dmg: 1 time
195 dmg: 1 time
198 dmg: 2 times
390 dmg: 4 times
392 dmg: 7 times
397 dmg: 20 times
Total stone IV casted: 42
Stonega III
0 dmg: 3 times
106 dmg: 2 times
133 dmg: 1 time
214 dmg: 1 time
216 dmg: 1 time
429 dmg: 3 times
430 dmg: 12 times
434 dmg: 24 times
Total Stonega III casted: 47
Total set bonus procc: 8/103
Total overall damage taken: 39436 for 103 spells
Test no.3
Enhancing Magic skill: 407
Earth resist: 161
With solace on
Vanadiel day: Lightsday
0 dmg: 4 times
70 dmg: 4 times
141 dmg: 3 times
142 dmg: 2 times
283 dmg: 3 times
284 dmg: 1 time
298 dmg: 1 time
568 dmg: 7 times
570 dmg: 1 time
Total Quake casted: 31
Stone IV
0 dmg: 4 times
47 dmg: 2 times
96 dmg: 4 times
97 dmg: 1 time
193 dmg: 5 times
388 dmg: 12 times
487 dmg: 1 time
Total stone IV casted: 38
Stonega III
0 dmg: 5 times
53 dmg: 4 times
106 dmg: 1 time
213 dmg: 5 times
214 dmg: 1 time
427 dmg: 10 times
429 dmg: 4 times
total stonega III casted: 35
Total set bonus procc: 13/104
Total overall damage taken: 26551 for 104 spells