Asura.Kaitaru said:
I just figured getting capped Healing and Enhancing at my level would be nice rather than having it stuck at level 50 is all. Is it really not that much of a loss?
Enhancing skill is a joke unless you are using phalanx...I can cap stoneskin outside of abyssea pretty easy as a blu/rdm lol and most other things have no skill mod or don't matter. Healing skill is nice but meh.
C4 and haste is nice... if you ya know don't have a real healer I suppose and OP never really did state what she was using brd for so who knows /sch might actually be more useful for her.
As far as wasting charges for stoneskinga... generally speaking you don't switch arts often /sch so really that is one of the better uses for it and by the same reasoning your acess to nas is about the same. I mean faster casting sometimes has it's niches like say raising up people I guess after a wipe or semi wipe... lower casting really doesn't anymore
The only time those wouldn't be true is when you switch to dark arts to do things that /whm couldn't dream of doing so still a win in /schs corner.
And if you want to get into niche grellow stuff /whm gets you flash, banish(ga) II, while /sch gets you drain, aspir and dispel. So they kinda equal there unless you are going one of the days that it isn't both