Whats a good anime to watch?
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Zeig 2024-08-28 10:55:49
91 Days is peak Baccano reminded you of it? :)
I liked 91 Days, but it left a bitter taste because of the rushed ending.. but I could say that about many anime anyways, so I just learned to lower my expectations & enjoy ***for what it is
Server: Asura
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Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-08-28 13:41:16
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anyway really miss anime like FLCL and Desert punk
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By Pantafernando 2024-08-29 18:09:47
Continuing the Oshimis works marathon…
Probably im already entering the less inspired works of him.
The first one only had 2 volumes, its about some paranormal stuff.
The second one had a longer run, 7 volumes, and its a mix of Isekai with semi battle royale themes.
Unlike the most popular Oshimi works, that were heavy on the mental/psychological themes, Drifting Net Cafe is purely physical. So much that its kinda annoying how almost every episode in this story had some sexual aspect, generally r*pe.
Well, at least it had a good storyline so its easy to read all chapters in a row. Piece by piece Oshimi tells whats going on.
By Pantafernando 2024-08-30 20:49:06
51 ways to save her
The story revolves around an hypothetical earthquake scale 8 in Tokyo, and the fight to survive of the MCs while the city becomes chaotic.
The story is kinda short, even then can be separated in arcs, that progressively gets heavier.
The first half is kinda more interesting because its a struggle to survive the collapsing structures while trying to leave the city by foot.
The second half focus more on the societal collapse. This part is bad imo because the author really went overboard trying to picture the most degraded humans because of a crisis, but in the end, it all could be summed up with a hoard of rapist trying to assault the women.
Gonna give it a 5/10.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-08-31 01:09:35
bro all of that sucks panta i remamber there was an anime in the early 2000's like a small looking killed but he was a like a murderer do you remamber that anime Panto chan i cant remamber i looked everywhere i think i downloaded back during the ol days of animesuki lol
if u dont find it pant i will sell you like in that desert punk scene
By Pantafernando 2024-08-31 01:45:58
Thats too generic to even start thinking what anime is that.
IDK, Hunter x Hunter?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-08-31 01:51:59
Thats too generic to even start thinking what anime is that.
IDK, Hunter x Hunter? no it was for 18 + all about murder i remamber the kid had a string to kill people i forgot the details def not hunter x hunter i hate hxh
By Pantafernando 2024-09-01 07:41:47
Sounds like those old women soup opera that broadcast on television, but oh, well, thats what was on the menu….
Story revolves around a conflicted woman that have been constantly sexually abused by her friends fiancee, while trying to resolve her internal conflict to love her student, thats also a conflicted person.
5/10. Kinda interesting for old grandmas. Kinda exhageratted in many moments, sometimes even incoherent
By Afania 2024-09-01 08:58:26
Thats too generic to even start thinking what anime is that.
IDK, Hunter x Hunter? no it was for 18 + all about murder i remamber the kid had a string to kill people i forgot the details def not hunter x hunter i hate hxh
Monster? Death Note?
By Pantafernando 2024-09-01 09:11:03
The only character that I remember using a string to kill people is Cammy from the anime version of Street Fighter.
I remember she killed the father of Chun-Li by using a string with a cross on it.
Well, supposely she was still a teenager in that serie, despite having a dinamite body.
By Pantafernando 2024-09-01 09:19:21
Quote: Several anime characters use strings or threads as weapons, each with unique abilities and fighting styles. Some notable examples include:
Doflamingo (Donquixote Doflamingo) from One Piece:
Doflamingo is a major antagonist in One Piece who wields the power of the String-String Fruit (Ito Ito no Mi). This Devil Fruit allows him to create and manipulate incredibly strong and sharp strings, which he uses for a variety of purposes, including controlling others like puppets, creating massive structures, and even slicing through objects and people.
Hisoka Morow from Hunter x Hunter:
Hisoka uses a technique called Bungee Gum, which combines the properties of both rubber and gum. While it's not a traditional string, he can stretch it and use it in a similar fashion to control, attack, and ensnare his opponents.
Walter C. Dornez from Hellsing:
Walter is a character who uses monofilament wires, which are extremely sharp and can slice through almost anything. He manipulates these wires with great precision to defeat his enemies in battle.
Kazuma Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho:
Kuwabara uses a "Spirit Sword," which he can extend and shape into a whip-like string of energy. This weapon can be used similarly to a string for slashing and binding.
Lubbock from Akame ga Kill!
Lubbock wields a weapon called "Cross Tail," which consists of wires that he can control with great skill. These wires are incredibly versatile and can be used for offense, defense, and even mobility.
These characters use their string-based abilities in creative and deadly ways, making them memorable in their respective series.
By Pantafernando 2024-09-01 10:26:15
The 53 Year Old Online Gamer's First IRL Meet-Up
This short story narrates about MMORPG and a small group of real people behind it.
Kinda shallow and poorly drawn, still it got my intention because few things i could relate with.
Luckly, it was short enough to just stay in the nice aspects of MMORPG gamer life and dont touch the darkest aspect of it.
By Dodik 2024-09-01 13:10:06
Terminator Zero anime on Netflix is a great story that goes a different direction within the Terminator universe, but is let down by some awful subtitles that have little to no bearing on the actual original JP language.
Girl says "That's not what it is". Subtitles say "Get *** out". So many *** in subtitles. Zero *** spoken out loud. Completely throws you off.
I imagine the English audio has a lot of *** in it to make it appear more adult or something.
By Pantafernando 2024-09-05 17:01:28
Spirit Circle
I got this recommendation from a movie in RP, and boy, this story was really fulfilling.
Wonderful masterpiece.
Not worth 10 only because it should go at least to chapter 100. Only 45 chapter is too little for such a joy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-09-05 23:17:20
yesterday i started watching a good German Show called Dark i am now on season 3!!!
By Pantafernando 2024-09-18 17:55:11
Hells Paradise
Maybe a attempted to be survival battle royale, that ended going to the shonen-esque nature (gimmicks power ups, characters growing stronger, focus on the fighting, etc).
Its had many ups and downs along the way.
I dont consider it a masterpiece, but i do think it adds up in the end and can be more enjoyable than boring in the end
Kinda bothersome seeing the character design. So many obvious copies from more famous characters (Gabimaru is like a ninja L, Shugen is like the samurai Sasuke, Shigiri is the average woman fighting shonen. There is a Gara like somewhere too, etc).
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 857
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2024-09-25 08:52:19
I look forward to the next season of Hell's paradise.
ALSO just 4 more days until Uzumaki starts airing, I have been trying not to get to hype about it but failed miserably.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 72
By Fenrir.Ixn 2024-10-02 10:15:18
ALSO just 4 more days until Uzumaki starts airing, I have been trying not to get to hype about it but failed miserably. I've been looking forward on this since they've announced it years ago. The trailer looks great.
I've picked up "Back Street Girls" recently on Netflix, and it's been hilarious so far.
By Dodik 2024-10-02 11:32:52
ALSO just 4 more days until Uzumaki starts airing,
It's out. Any good?
Also Panta be aware all your pictures are now ads.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 857
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2024-10-02 14:16:27
Haven't had a chance to watch it yet, hoping to tomorrow night
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 857
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2024-10-03 22:09:39
first episode of Uzumaki is everything I wanted it to be, the style is perfect and really brings Ito's art to animation perfectly. Every other adaptation I have seen of his work leaves me disappointed but This is amazing.
Can't wait for more, I have taken the hype train off a cliff and hope I never hit the ground.
Necro Bump Detected!
[102 days between previous and next post]
By Pantafernando 2025-01-13 19:13:16
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel
Love-hina-like story. Not much else to say.
The main protagonists are kinda bland, but i enjoyed the secondary cast, mainly Mayumi and Sayaka.
They never failed to keep stories entertaining and fun.
I suppose this one wont leave that memorable impression after a while, but it is a fun ride.
By Drayco 2025-01-14 08:33:02
I started watching the SE produced Nier Automata anime a while ago. I loved it so much that I stopped a few episodes in and went and played the game. I just finished the game and I'm going to watch the rest of the anime now.
Man, I'm a bit upset that I didn't get into Nier when it came out. What a story! The acting is really good too, so much so I had to look up the English actor for 9S. Kyle McCarley, who has voiced a lot of different anime stuff, really knocks it out of the park.
By Pantafernando 2025-01-25 00:10:42
Video Girl Ai
Ive been in the mood for romcom and TBT lately.
After reading a unreaded one, i picked this one to reread. Well, while the previous one took me 100 days to finish because I was prioritizing games over manga, Video Girl Ai took me less than 10, because how good it still is.
A little personal story: back then when internet was still growing and there wasnt scanlation or even manga online, the only way to have access to this content would be if some publisher had the insight of picking at random a japanese title, investing in translation, printing, then deliverying to book stores.
And even at that time, japanese content was still starting to spread here. There were many easy wins to explore first, like Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya (absurdly popular here, brazillians should love Saint Seiya even more than Dragon Ball tbf), Yuyu Hakusho, etc.
But the market had few options for romance. I suppose at that time, the garanteed way to succeed would be shonen stories. But some publisher decided to invest in Video Girl Ai, and thats when i first saw it in a book store, a cover of a girl with green hair, realistically drawn, what per se was also something new at that time. Manga and anime were always about styled characters, and this one had more realistic art.
And thats how I got to know this story. Quite classical one. More drama oriented than comedy, it explores the well known formula of love triangle (square?), adding the supernatural ingredient of video girls, which imposes a set of constraints that will be explored during the story to add more situations and dramas.
This story isnt a slice of life, like many others in this genre tend to be. It has well defined arcs, with each one involving the maturation of the main cast, through the ups and downs of relationships that dont actually work well. The characters arent stagnant, you can see how they change from the start till the end
The strong point in this story is definitively the protagonist couple. Both of them are very interesting and complement each other, a feat that rarely manga writers manage to achieve. The standard is generally having one of the couple being more elaborated, and the other kinda of bland, working more as a plot device than a person you can sympathize. Ai and Youta are definitely not like that: Youta is the stoic young boy entering puberty and struggling to confess to his love interest. By being young, many of his flaws are exposed and improved during the time, quite nicely building his personality. But regardless of the stage, Youta is always the caring and good person that we always like to root for success. Ai is the broken video girl that initially has the mission of helping Youtas love problems, but by being broken, she becomes too tomboyish and clumsy to effectively help Youta. Things gets more complicated when they start loving each other, and have to deal with the video girl nature and constraints.
Overall, I enjoyed it too much when I could relate to Youta, and after idk, 20 years, i still enjoyed too much rereading this story despite knowing it very well. Youta is a great male protagonist, and Ai is hands down the best waifu tomboyish style. So much that its funny when the story is over, comes a sadness to know i wont read more stories of her.
By Pantafernando 2025-01-27 17:40:45

Another reread. This one has quite controversial quality.
More focused on comedy with supernatural, brings an unexpected love triangle between a young man Konpei and Kirara, from the same school, and the same Kirara, but as a ghost from the future who died by truck-sama (common troupe of truck killing protagonists) while going to her own weeding with future Konpei.
Ghost Kirara is a mature sexy woman that will spend almost the entire story trying to make up the life she was denied with Konpei. But Konpei could resist her advances quite well in the entire story.
The story follows a slice of life pattern with non linear episodes for the most part. Most episodes are focused in the joke so the author doesnt really care about making sense of stuffs. Things just happen for the joke. So after some point the story get way more crazy than the otiginal premise with barely any explanation.
Overall, despite some rushed parts where clearly the author didnt had the proper care to review the story, I enjoyed it for the most part. But what really stickied with me for the longest time about this story is how it ended. It wasnt supposed to be a sad ending, but the author clearly wanted to get this done, and made some of the most sour moments Ive read in a manga: when the protagonist old Kirara complete her mission, say good bye to Konpei like just sending him off to school, and simply vanish from everyone elses life and memories. Simply that, vanishes.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 857
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2025-01-27 17:51:59
first episode of Uzumaki is everything I wanted it to be, the style is perfect and really brings Ito's art to animation perfectly. Every other adaptation I have seen of his work leaves me disappointed but This is amazing.
Can't wait for more, I have taken the hype train off a cliff and hope I never hit the ground. I hit the ground, but it was like it to some soft grass.
Uzumaki did fall short, but I think people were a bit too hard on it.
I think the style really worked, I think they should have cut more of the side plots to stream line the story they were going to tell with the budget they had.
I hope to see them try this technique again in adapting his Ito's work.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 32
By Asura.Evilddstroyer 2025-01-27 23:24:33
Cool devices 7
By buttplug 2025-01-28 01:25:20
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Fate/Stay Night series are a banger
By Pantafernando 2025-01-29 17:08:10
All of them.
(Minus the shoujos pedo-fests)
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By buttplug 2025-01-29 17:22:06
you guys are so old
your balls clap dust
just finished both hellsing and hellsing ultimate and recently mushi-shi. I'm watching bit last exile but looking for some more along the hellsing / mushi line or maybe something more cerebral