Common Courtesy

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Common Courtesy
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Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2009-01-07 03:30:00
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Celestinia said:
Lets hope someone deletes all these stupid pointless posts >.>

Yes please!
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Shayala
Posts: 1004
By Gilgamesh.Shayala 2009-01-07 04:25:09
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Celestinia said:
Lets hope someone deletes all these stupid pointless posts >.>

Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-01-07 05:07:39
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You Fairy guys (well, one of you maybe) perhaps had some validity in what you were saying, even if it was rudely communicated.

But firstly you give such attitude to the latest subject's originator when she has been nothing but polite and articulate. Then if you simply look at the state of the last 2 pages, why should anyone take anything you have to say seriously?

I'm BLM75, on the way up if someone other than a BLM was in one of the solo camps, SOLOING (omg, someone soloing in a solo camp), i'd say "oh well" and do something else. You say "Those camps are there for BLMs". They're not, but they turned out to be very well adapted; But hardly restricted only to BLMs just because they get the most benefit out of it.

ADDED to that, the subject originator explained why she and her husband were doing this, but in your haste to toss some ***across the internet you completely disregarded this important piece of information. Even so after your conduct i'm amazed she had enough tolerance to respond sensibly and even ASK you what the alternatives were that you claimed existed. But because her post didn't produce friction, you thought it was beneath you to reply sensibly?

Since I doubt "most" players of this game have the kind of responsibility that comes with having a young child, allowing a couple to unwind and xp whilst inconveniencing as few players as possible doesn't seem a great deal to ask.

You've kicked up an awful lot of irony; this thread is entitled 'common courtesy' and you've shown anything but. (Are there no mods to weed out immature flame-mongers?)

Back on topic, you'll still find people who are willing to give things a second thought and entertain the notion of consideration (despite recent example). I still encounter small acts of kindness and common courtesy every day that I play ^_^
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Onepenny
Posts: 114
By Gilgamesh.Onepenny 2009-01-07 05:26:55
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Is there any way i can erase the thread I started?

It has some useful information but since the pets camp talk started...

I tought ppl needed common courtesy so i did this thread, I might do a new one about just respect. Not even gona qualify some of the posts, sounds like children talking and i bet some of you arent (and if your not, dont reply wtf!)

You guys like to tag everything. there is no such thing as, only this works & only this job comes here. As example, how can i find out if pets camp is good, with any other job, if only blm should be there?

-How many have tried a pup as main healer? Or even DD? How can you say you know about the game if all you did was read about how something is and do it only that way.

try things out, its a game

-another exemple... everyone rants about dunes. anyone ever tried to take 2 or 3 stacks of rice dumplings, or jacks, to dunes and give it to all melee? Try it and you will see dunes can be less evil...
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Onepenny
Posts: 114
By Gilgamesh.Onepenny 2009-01-07 05:31:49
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Saiya said:
You Fairy guys (well, one of you maybe) perhaps had some validity in what you were saying, even if it was rudely communicated. But firstly you give such attitude to the latest subject's originator when she has been nothing but polite and articulate. Then if you simply look at the state of the last 2 pages, why should anyone take anything you have to say seriously? I'm BLM75, on the way up if someone other than a BLM was in one of the solo camps, SOLOING (omg, someone soloing in a solo camp), i'd say "oh well" and do something else. You say "Those camps are there for BLMs". They're not, but they turned out to be very well adapted; But hardly restricted only to BLMs just because they get the most benefit out of it. ADDED to that, the subject originator explained why she and her husband were doing this, but in your haste to toss some ***across the internet you completely disregarded this important piece of information. Even so after your conduct i'm amazed she had enough tolerance to respond sensibly and even ASK you what the alternatives were that you claimed existed. But because her post didn't produce friction, you thought it was beneath you to reply sensibly? Since I doubt "most" players of this game have the kind of responsibility that comes with having a young child, allowing a couple to unwind and xp whilst inconveniencing as few players as possible doesn't seem a great deal to ask. You've kicked up an awful lot of irony; this thread is entitled 'common courtesy' and you've shown anything but. (Are there no mods to weed out immature flame-mongers?) Back on topic, you'll still find people who are willing to give things a second thought and entertain the notion of consideration (despite recent example). I still encounter small acts of kindness and common courtesy every day that I play ^_^

Unfortunatly i'm at work and started my post before this one, kinda makes mine unecessary ^^
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Blackmist
Posts: 525
By Fairy.Blackmist 2009-01-07 06:37:50
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I Take back my comment 1/2 way bout there being commen curtisoy, >.> tottaly rude pt today like 10 mins ago camped on me heh (thunderblaze) for like 2 maybe 2 1/2 hours no regaurd for the fact that 3 of my members when to get sant. & then he spouts how he was there 1st To top it off he camps Right on top of my pt & clames the bird moved there, >.> G-8 leypoint hill to the corrner /sigh <.< lol

Hurray for Jackasses :D

-Anti TB picket. =O lets camp on him XD J/k
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-07 12:38:27
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Vylandra said:

Lots of blms these days don't even understand the fundamentals of blm and simply nuke -&gt; stun, that is a fact. The overwhelming majority of blms or any other job for that matter are idiots, so yes that blm WILL most likely overnuke and pull hate causing the mob to run around. Can you honestly say that hasn't happened to you? Why would anyone want to take a chance on a blm that most likely doesn't know how to play their job and will have to constantly rest their mp? That's why you don't do it. It's more efficient to have a DD who doesn't have to rest his MP and can constantly dmg.

What this was suppoed to be...was telling you why blms don't get invited to parties and why people shouldn't be taking their camps. "Not everyone is elitist." Tell that to the blms that spend entire days trying to get a normal exp party to no avail. TP burn setups work from lvls 10-75, just not as quickly as they would in ToAU, but still more effective than your old school party setup. Everyone might not be an elitist, but there's a reason those blms aren't getting invites and it's pretty obvious.

This game is also something I do to relax and chill, as most of us do to escape everyday annoyances. No, not every party can be a merit party, but why settle for 4-6k/hr when you can easily do 9-14k/hr 30+ I know this because I build these parties on a normal basis. That parsing comment just completely blows me away. That had to be a horrible rng, especially if it was pre nerf. There's no way I could believe a statement like that without seeing legitimate parsing results as well as seeing how poorly equipped that rng was.

There are just as many melee that don't know not to WS right when a mob is pulled, dont know how to blink properly and they still get parties, just as many melee that TP in pure STR gears, just as many melee who *** suck and think stacking VIT gear full time is good. You take a big gamble on any melee you invite to party as well, so why be job biased?

The way parsing along side a melee works is simple because that's truly the goal, yes blm is more than capable of dmg-owning the *** out of any melee in a short burst but thats not an effective way to do it, a good blm limits themselves to do what a melee does and not overdo it, they can take the hate you can't. Honestly i don't know why i'm explaining anything to you in detail, you're completely dense, but i'll try anyway to educate you a little of how a good blm should be playing in the 50's.

Blizzard and thunder have very low cast/recast times and smack 100~140ish per nukes gear/race depending obviously, this is comparable to a rng's shot per shot dmg, its easy, simple and mp efficient while keeping dmg relative to the output of the melees, and still finishing the mob on a 1k MB or even just a solo big nuke if SC is non-existant, just because you claim it can't be done does not mean it's fact. You are not omnipotent or all knowing though you clearly think something of yourself that you aren't. Just because you personally have only witnessed horrid blm's does not mean all of them are.

Although my opinion on this is obviously aside from the trendy norm at least i understand that it's completely feasible to have a blm in your party in a zilart zone and a well played blm is a massive boost to party dmg.

Sure you gamble on a blm, but you gamble on any job at that level for real, rdm's who melee, the list goes on and on.
By 2009-01-07 12:50:08
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Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Jonis
Posts: 38
By Gilgamesh.Jonls 2009-01-07 13:40:29
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yotevol
Posts: 1169
By Asura.Yotevol 2009-01-07 14:28:29
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Recently, I had a pleasant encounter with a DRK (rare, because they are all EMO- jk).

He joined our party in Kuftal Tunnel as a 54DRK, with all the spells and equipment a DRK should have for his level, plus a Great Axe, Great Sword and a Scythe. Seemed very versitile, so I allowed him to join (he was a friend too, btw). After the 2nd fight, we noticed that he couldn't hit at all. After asking him in a /tell, he responded that his Scythe wasn't capped. I was very understanding, because not everyone is perfect, and let him try and skill up on the crabs.
He told me, "OMG- thank you for letting me join, I'm so tired of Level-Sync, but I can't find a pty without it"

After 3 more fights, he started sending me tells. The tells are what got me to think about this thread.
His first /tell after this was, "Wow, I'm not hitting anything... I'm so sorry I can't be a good DD, want me to find a rep?"
I assured him that he was ok and to continue skilling up.
His second /tell was, "I'm gimping your exp, are you sure you don't want me to find a rep?"
Later, after many more tells of similar nature, we did replace him. I was reluctant to replace him, because he was tougher on himself than anyone else and wanted only to become a better DRK before he partied with us later.

This was a beautiful example of Common Courtesy and I really appreciated it. Sure, we got less exp than we wanted, but it was nice to party with someone that was more critical on his char than anyone else. That's how it should be all the time, am I right?

Leader of LavitzReborn, a relaxed Sky/Sea Linkshell
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Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-07 15:50:58
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Jimmyjazz said:
Wooooodum said:
It is racism, because he's specifying that it's only a specific country that are acting in the inappropriate manner implied. Call it "segregationist" if you want, but that's racism.

then i'm racist....because i make fun of americans?

but seriously, we (as in the world) should get up every day and dance. dance like Tommy Seebach. this alone would end all wars.

LMFAO wow, i cant believe they actually .... speechless
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-07 15:54:09
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Psyence said:
The truth is they aren't really racist, they are just afraid that if you can't get to understand each others, it won't work.

This is very true. I've lead JP parties before as well and as long as you have the patience to learn, or are able to get the {understood} point across (with translate), then you will have no problems.

This thread has gone pretty far off original topic lol
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Vylandra1
Posts: 76
By Fairy.Vylandra 2009-01-07 16:07:38
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Could you guys possibly be anymore clueless when it comes to this game? It seems people are thinking that I'm 100% completely against a blm in a party, and I'm not. That wasn't even the point. People are just selectively reading what I was saying and misconstruing it to the point of no return.

Let me say this then..I'm not completely against blm in an exp party. I was simply trying to state facts based on the current state of the game and effective party setups. Blms don't even complain about not getting party invites anymore because they know that their 6-10k/hr solo(depending on their skill, gear, and certain camps at specific levels) is more than they'll get in a party they're invited to.

The fact of the matter is that people don't invite blms because they realize a melee DD is more efficient..what's so hard to understand about that? BLM rules endgame, period. With the exception of the up and coming sch. Melees perform more effectively in efficient party setups. Every job has its place and there's no need to go off on a separate tangent due to something I said offending you.

This doesn't even have anything to do with why I originally posted. This was supposed to be about melee jobs taking blm camps. You can't deny the obvious fact that melee get far better invites than blms...which is why you shouldn't take their camps. :\
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-01-07 19:33:27
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As a Blm the only place I ever went solo was in bibiki bay for a few levels, the rest of the time I leveled in xp parties, even a few on colibri despite the fact all I did was backup heal and put out heavily resisted magic (even with capped skill and semi-decent gear).

SE has not dedicated certain areas of the game for certain jobs to xp there and now with level sync there is no excuse for a Blm to complain about people taking their solo camps when there are now alternatives to solo.

How many Blms have tried to manaburn at a lower level yet? I synced to 26ish in yuhtunga jungle to manaburn on mandies, you stand far apart from each other and nuke it while it runs to and from members hardly hitting them. We were chaining and getting decent xp too.

As far as common courtesy goes; whoever is at a camp first you ask how long they are going to be/if you can duo with them or go elsewhere.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kyofooyo
Posts: 19
By Asura.Kyofooyo 2009-01-07 21:07:10
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With Aht Urghan and the rise of TP Burns, it's obvious why BLM never gets any invites anymore. It's rare that you see melee pre-planning SC's so the mage can MB off it. Those parties are few and spread apart, and with BLM only being able to fill the healing part of those TP Burns.. well why be a TP if you're just going to main heal?

Nowadays, BLM is used almost exclusively for endgame. It's a sad but true fact, and in those endgames, BLM don't really need to care about the MP conservations in some situations.

Because of the lack of traditional parties, BLM's are forced to solo(even though solo'ing is often times faster than the party). As a party, I believe it's just common courtesy to let the BLM who is there solo'ing be. It is melee's fault after all that they chose to make a TP burn over including the BLM they are considering of kicking out of their precious solo spot.

However, I fully believe that whoever there is first deserves to keep the camp as long as they intend on staying. If a solo'er comes to my camp in Mount Zaylohm(sp?), I'll ask him to leave because we were their first, and I'll fully expect him to leave without a fight because of the unwritten player courtesy that is supposed to be drilled into us when we begin the game..
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Psyence
Posts: 471
By Ragnarok.Psyence 2009-01-07 21:36:15
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Vylandra said:

Where is my DRG camp!? I want exclusive rights to it. Right now... Oh, and prepare my MNK camp too, so if I ever need it, it will be free in advance. Thank you very much for your courtesy, it is much appreciated (I deserve such thing, not you, of course)...
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Alijah
Posts: 264
By Fenrir.Alijah 2009-01-07 22:31:11
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Vylandra said:

This is quite silly, to be honest. I solo'd my BLM and while yes, it was annoying to get to camp and find a Blu or a Nin there, but I dealt. It's annoying for any job to show up at a camp and find it occupied. But everyone has a right to all the camps. There are no "Blm only" mobs any more than there are "Nin only" or "Mnk Only" mobs. When that happened, I'd settle down and just wait, making sure to tell the person not to rush, I could wait until they were done.

When I went around a second time on Rdm (and now Sch), I would frequently go to a BLM camp to get some easy xp while I waited for an invite. If a Blm showed up, I felt no need to give up the camp just because they were a Blm and I was not. Most of the time, they'd be patient and wait for me and when I got a party invite or had to log, I'd wish them luck and leave the camp and that was the end of that.

One way to avoid wasting someones time and money, when you're solo'ing, please put it in your seacom. Something simple like "<pos> {pet} {long time}" or something. It lets anyone who /sea's the zone know that you are there, and so then they don't waste their time and money going out to camp just to find you there.

Of course, you still get the jerks who show up anyways and try to shove you out of your camp but alas, that's something that will always happen.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Vylandra1
Posts: 76
By Fairy.Vylandra 2009-01-07 22:47:28
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Please do not respond to a thread until you've actually taken time to read and have a decent understanding of the game in the first place. You don't need to solo on those jobs because you actually get party invites. If you're not getting party invites it's because people know that you are bad and don't want to party with you. They solo because they can't get invites. This isn't very complicated and I can't figure out why you try to make it so.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Uriko
Posts: 7
By Lakshmi.Uriko 2009-01-08 00:20:33
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Vylandra said:
Please do not respond to a thread until you've actually taken time to read and have a decent understanding of the game in the first place. You don't need to solo on those jobs because you actually get party invites. If you're not getting party invites it's because people know that you are bad and don't want to party with you. They solo because they can't get invites. This isn't very complicated and I can't figure out why you try to make it so.

I don't think you're understanding everyone else I'm afraid. Why can you not for one second consider that some people may not have the availability to be in a exp party. No, its not because they're stupid, no its not because they have a bad reputation, but for ppl like me its because they have real life commitments and would like to enjoy both at the same time.

I don't think anyone here is going to convince you at all that blms don't have their name stamped on things, but it would be amazing if you could at least understand why some DDs would take soloing pets than seeking for a real party. But... I really doubt you are going to understand that, and if this game was played out how you believed it is, I would have quit by now because I wouldn't be ALLOWED to exp. Thank you
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-01-08 00:35:29
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Jonls said:


No, seriously. This is turning into Allakhazam....
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2009-01-08 03:25:26
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Anye said:
Jonls said:
JONIS SAVE US ALL WITH YOUR PUP GREATNESS!!!! No, seriously. This is turning into Allakhazam....

How is this turning to Allakazam?

I quit going to that site after I found out that the site was ran sorta by a few ppl that I didn't like, AFTER THE FACT..

so maybe I'm outa the loop or w.e
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-01-08 03:33:36
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Neon, Alla was more notorious than KI for flame wars, that's all.

Vylandra, you make comments about people not reading the thread... did you completely ignore my post? If you did it's probably because there were no holes to pick in it... funny how that works isn't it?

The subject of discussion has gotten out of focus. True, other people are assisting, but your rudeness seems to fan the flames more than anything? I told you the originator of this subject had stated her reasons for needing to be unorthadox in her efforts to xp. Rather than straight-out arguing with you I think most posters are simply showing their support.

Since apparently you feel so strongly about this subject, go and make a thread entitled "BLMs: The Oppressed Minority" or something. Your posts don't belong here because you're so lacking in common courtesy, and don't seem to care overmuch about discussing it.

People have made several efforts to steer the thread back onto the intended course but they've been squashed; others also, please no more posts about Black Mage rights, or lack of? MLK should show up any time now, lol.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2009-01-08 04:00:59
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Vylandra said:
You don't need to solo on those jobs because you actually get party invites. If you're not getting party invites it's because people know that you are bad and don't want to party with you.

I'll do you a favour and I'll make this as simple as possible.

Let's take a nice Mid-Level.. 50?

So you're sitting there as a Lv.50 WAR. You're competing against MNK, DRK, SAM, DRG, RNG, BLU, THF, PUP, I'll even toss BST up there to be more generic and of course, other WAR's for the spot in a 5/6 PT to hit things.

Now, you're sitting there as your Lv.50 BLM. You're competing against BLM, SCH and rarely, very rarely, a PUP with BLM puppet..

So.. 1 vs 10 and 1 vs 3. Now..

Before you say I'm biased, please.. check my profile. BLM75 WAR75. I've gone through both of them from Lv.1..

Now, on to your "People wont party you because you're bad" section..

You have a 1/10(10%) chance to get your spot in a PT as a WAR.. yes? This means you have a 9/10 chance that you DON'T get your spot in a PT.. So, because you're in the lower chance (like any other DD), and you don't happen to get a PT.. you're immediately bad at your job?

Ok.. I can live with that.. I think.

Now, slowly moving on to your "Pet camps are for BLM".. Tell me when and where SE said that those are BLM only camps. Personally, I use 90% of them for my jobs when I solo a bit for whatever reason. I can't find anywhere that says I shouldn't be doing this, besides opinion, can you?

Anyway.. I'll leave it there before I start going in circles.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Bahamut.Blooodyangel 2009-01-08 04:29:55
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oh ffs, stop whining, lvling thief is not easy too, try seeking for 3 days without 1 invite, why? simple, a lot of thievs being super gimp and not knowing how to play the class ruined it for a lot of people
anyway, campbattle ops soloing, you can do them all, you dont have to go solo in 1 camp only you have other options..... and seriously level sync shouldv helped blm, if you are not welling to lvl syn too low its your own problem, SE gave you solo camps, normal xp parties, blm nuke parties, besieged, campbattle. solo camps are for anyone who cant/dont want to party, you DONT HAVE TO PARTY for gods sake, doesnt mean you suck, just a change, i will lvl blm mostly solo or duo, cuz thats how i wanna play it.
dont flame people for their way/style of playing, still i would appreciate it if someone who can/is willing to find another camp so a blm can solo in a place... oh lets say its only one he/she can get to. but you dont have to leave, you have the right to play there as anyone else, just dont camp over other people to drive them out
thf gets it hard to get invite, pld at high lv 70+ pre lvl sync, bst all the way..... tbh didnt see many pups in pts.. many jobs suffer, let them lvl as they want, this is a game and you paying money..... go and have fun
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Onepenny
Posts: 114
By Gilgamesh.Onepenny 2009-01-08 05:23:53
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before sync i never liked to go to a pt with short tnl, i just didnt feel good about it... So i must admit i used pet camp with almost every job to fill that litle xp gap, in an act i considered to be common courtesy...

and I sure apreciate Uriko's common courtesy of not showing up in a pt of mine afking every 20m... And I bet she would like that xp better than pets
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Jonis
Posts: 38
By Gilgamesh.Jonls 2009-01-08 07:45:03
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Anye said:
Jonls said:
JONIS SAVE US ALL WITH YOUR PUP GREATNESS!!!! No, seriously. This is turning into Allakhazam....

:-D Anytime Anye.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Alijah
Posts: 264
By Fenrir.Alijah 2009-01-08 08:28:58
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Vylandra said:
Please do not respond to a thread until you've actually taken time to read and have a decent understanding of the game in the first place. You don't need to solo on those jobs because you actually get party invites. If you're not getting party invites it's because people know that you are bad and don't want to party with you. They solo because they can't get invites. This isn't very complicated and I can't figure out why you try to make it so.

"If you don't get a party invite it's because you are bad." That's a new one. You can check my Profile and note that I've been playing a bit and have a couple jobs under my belt so I hope this satisfies your criteria for being allowed to reply.

What about people who go to solo because they have work in an hour and so if they put their flag up, they know they'll just spend most of that hour waiting in Jeuno and then have to disband by the time they get to camp (if they actually get an invite in time)?

Or how about people, like myself, who are BCNM/KSNM junkies and want to solo so they get to keep all the seals? Or, and sit down and hold onto to something please cause this one's a doozie: Maybe someone just likes the challenge of soloing.

And the BLMs don't even start getting fazed out of parties until the 50s, so thats levels 10-49 where they are equal, if not more likely to find a party than a War, drg, blu, pup, as someone already mentioned above.

I have a 75 BLM and I solo'd more than half of the way and I loved it. It was fun, challenging, and I raked in so many BS/KS I didn't know what to do with them. So when the time came that I wanted to do SCH, damn right I plan on soloing with it, and any other job I see fit.

That's my 2 cents, and Im done with the topic.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Deist
Posts: 79
By Fairy.Deist 2009-01-08 11:42:43
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Vylandra said:
Please do not respond to a thread until you've actually taken time to read and have a decent understanding of the game in the first place. You don't need to solo on those jobs because you actually get party invites. If you're not getting party invites it's because people know that you are bad and don't want to party with you. They solo because they can't get invites. This isn't very complicated and I can't figure out why you try to make it so.

This thread was about "Common Courtesy" And she was only stating that she was showing the common courtesy to other people by NOT being in a conventional pt, she went to a solo camp. How would you like it if a tank showed up to a party, and only stayed about 5-10 minutes and said "Oh I have to go afk for 20 minutes my son woke up!"

Which has happened TO me by party members in the past. So in the end she saved the "butt hurting" and just went off to a solo camp to make the game more enjoyable for the mass while only hindering a few.

She also came back after you completely did not even READ what she put down as her reason for doing this. So seems to me, you should do the common courtesy yourself and oh.."Please do not respond to a thread until you've actually taken time to read"

You give people on Fairy a bad name.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2009-01-08 13:06:03
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Hey Everyone.. Mental note.. LOL

"Stick to the thread topic" ok??

^.- ( winkz)
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 411
By Fairy.Evanthegai 2009-01-08 13:50:56
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Deist said:

You give people on Fairy a bad name.

This post on the forum made me decide to verify my account finally only to have someone say this to those rude *** people...
I am normally a nice person who doesn't talk much through the game but make sure that i try to get some good deeds in at the same time..
I normally stay behind in campaign to make sure people are all up and alive and even do shouts for /tells. But the quote from deist is partially true where as most of fairy is a nice genuine place there are those people just as every server and granted this is a game but i use this to get away from the real world and to be put someplace i know i can make a difference or whatnot right away it might not be big but you know i might as well try because you never know when u screw over someone who might be in one of your parties one day.. sorry so long :p and HEY EVERYONE :)