WHM Gearswap WIP

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WHM Gearswap WIP
Posts: 151
By Chroph 2015-09-28 12:48:17
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Hello everyone,

I'm actually writing a lua for WHM, to make it more fun, and I need some ideas to improve it(if you got some, let me know)

For the moment I made those features :
1 -> A macro which will calculate the HP missing on your target, and choose the best cure tier(hit the macro and it'll cure I to VI, depending of what your target need)
2 -> A cure to curaga switcher, if 3 or more people in the party need a cure, it'll switch to the right tier of curaga(work with or without the first macro I said)
3 -> A macro that will check the debuffs on your target, and use the right -na spell or erase, or sacrifice(depends on the debuff your target has)
4 -> A macro for self buffs(like haste, aquaveil, blink, stoneskin), each time you hit the macro, it'll only do the buff you miss
5 -> A macro(same as the one before), but for party buffs : like pro/shellra, auspice, boosts(with another macro letting you choose which boost you'll do with this macro, default is STR)
6 -> A macro to choose the "tank" of the party, mostly for next stuff(letting the gearswap knowing that this person is the priority on cures, debuff removal...)
7 -> A system to auto-activate Divine Caress on the choosen "tank" when removing a repetitive debuff(for example, Rosutalia can spam break, when erasing it the first time from your tank, he'll become resistant for the next 4 times to that debuff)
8 -> A macro to repose charmed people, without the need to target them(which can help in emergency situations)
9 -> And a system that let the debuff removal macro knows when 2 or more people in the party are doomed, to auto-activated Divine Seal before cursna.

Tell me what do you think of that, and if you have some ideas to improve that, let me know.(and if some things are considered like "boting", let me know too)
Posts: 13
By Cheatyface 2015-09-28 14:00:54
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Alternatively, you could play the job yourself.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Ninjaface
Posts: 227
By Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface 2015-09-28 14:17:20
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8 and 9 are definitely more bot like; they require no player interaction as written. If a person doesn't have to press a button to do something I would consider that botting.

It would be neat to have a cure button to pick which cure to use instead of having to spend the time deciding on the fly. This is like a "do once use many times" scenario where I don't really see a difference between it and a regular macro.

I feel like deciding between using curaga and cure is an on the spot type of decision that is best in the hands of the player. If your macro/script would check for three or more injured party members, for instance, and would switch to curaga, that's wasted if those people are outside of the range of your target.

The buff macro would be neat and would definitely cut down on my own processing power when it came to rebuffing.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-28 14:47:55
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Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface said: »
8 and 9 are definitely more bot like; they require no player interaction as written. If a person doesn't have to press a button to do something I would consider that botting.

It would be neat to have a cure button to pick which cure to use instead of having to spend the time deciding on the fly. This is like a "do once use many times" scenario where I don't really see a difference between it and a regular macro.

I feel like deciding between using curaga and cure is an on the spot type of decision that is best in the hands of the player. If your macro/script would check for three or more injured party members, for instance, and would switch to curaga, that's wasted if those people are outside of the range of your target.

The buff macro would be neat and would definitely cut down on my own processing power when it came to rebuffing.

You can't for whatever reason make lua check the distance between a target and another target either to determine if they are in range, the Cure alterer however, while "good" in theory, is bad in practice, you need to add a toggle to allow/disable it because you could actually need to use say Cure 3 for MP management instead of spamming the highest tier cure for the fight.

Scenario i.e BRD dies or DC's long term mid Dungeon/fight/boss
No Ballads
Burns MP on Cure 4.

Your "which debuff to remove w.e macro" I assume is a one buton fits all using a Lua Command, this I like however there's going to be instances where say, based on the type of class decides which debuff I would remove i.e. Melee, Petrified > Slow > Para > where as a healer would want Silena > Petrified (No point stona-ing if they're silenced and no Echo drops) where as if they have echo drops, I'd sooner Stone > paralyna etc. That is a macro destined for a fail due becoming too reliant on it, nice idea however.

Another issue with your "Auto Cure changer" what if say I'm wanting to Overcure a tank for the addeed Cureskin effect for a slightly bigger buffer? Your macro again kills that, assume it's not a seperate Lua command and not a "cancel spell" command in all instances.

The Self Buff macro is dumb. If you're going to the extent of making a macro to re apply BUFFS THAT HAVE DROPPED, when you should be able to maintain them at all times, thats kinda meh, what would be better however is if you added chat alerts with souneffects in echo when you have say 7 seconds, that lets you finish a spell and then re-apply any buff using your macro that has less than 10 seconds on the timers duration but Keep your priority order on the command, that would be more useful and certainly assist with forgetful players.

No Auto-Sublimation rule? I have one although that is totally Automated and bot like.

Your issue with the "priority" system bugs out fyi, I tried it a while back and it doesn't work 100% of the time, could never ID why but it was checking party member strut data and that wasn't always 100% accurate. You would also need an exclusion rule for that person being a priority if you are out of casting range as it would then prevent you from using it on someone else as a result and you could then get caught in a perpetual cancel spell loop until you complete the cast on said target, which as detailed easrlier, has issues because Lua can't check the distance of another player until the action is attempted by which point it is too late unless you intend to create a Lua.PLugin timer with a couple of millisecond delay to be run after this before then defining which target to target.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Ninjaface
Posts: 227
By Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface 2015-09-28 14:53:19
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My assumption as a person who doesn't know a thing about GS, or whm really, is that this would have a button for MP efficiency curing and you wouldn't have to use it all times, like in your overcure scenario.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-28 15:00:47
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Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface said: »
My assumption as a person who doesn't know a thing about GS, or whm really, is that this would have a button for MP efficiency curing and you wouldn't have to use it all times, like in your overcure scenario.

Aye it's easily doable, just making sure the options for automation have an off button otherwise that could go horribly wrong! [Edit: I personally prefer to have full control unless it's job point farming, or mundane boring as *** ***so I would prefer and off option rather than another toggle to force mp efficiency]

If you're REALLY OCD you could make a NM Target based Priority System for what debuffs you need to remove, although I'm not sure how well this works when you're not targetting the mob.... You could probably prioritize an Enfeebling Priority system based on NM's however Very easily.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-28 15:04:29
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With that said OP, I have a Gearswap with many of the rules you have and a few extras if you would like them.

I have an OH ***SUPERCURE button, that uses special abilities before it for additional power etc.

I made it so that GS would check if an ability timer was ready and cancel the gearswap if not to prevent as much time out of Refresh/DT Hybrid sets as possible for Survivability/Efficiency reasons.
Posts: 151
By Chroph 2015-09-28 15:30:54
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Thank you for the answers
Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface said: »
8 and 9 are definitely more bot like; they require no player interaction as written. If a person doesn't have to press a button to do something I would consider that botting.

It would be neat to have a cure button to pick which cure to use instead of having to spend the time deciding on the fly. This is like a "do once use many times" scenario where I don't really see a difference between it and a regular macro.

I feel like deciding between using curaga and cure is an on the spot type of decision that is best in the hands of the player. If your macro/script would check for three or more injured party members, for instance, and would switch to curaga, that's wasted if those people are outside of the range of your target.

The buff macro would be neat and would definitely cut down on my own processing power when it came to rebuffing.
8- Need to hit the macro to sleep charm people
9- Need to hit the debuff removal macro to do it still
for the cure to curaga switcher, it only check the HPs of the players in a radius of 10yalms around your target, so it won't do useless curagas

Cerberus.Conagh said: »
You can't for whatever reason make lua check the distance between a target and another target either to determine if they are in range, the Cure alterer however, while "good" in theory, is bad in practice, you need to add a toggle to allow/disable it because you could actually need to use say Cure 3 for MP management instead of spamming the highest tier cure for the fight.

For the distance between the player, it calculates a radius of 10yalms around your target and check only the other players in this radius. I think I could add a toggle which enable or disable the cure to curaga switch.

Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Scenario i.e BRD dies or DC's long term mid Dungeon/fight/boss
No Ballads
Burns MP on Cure 4.
If you want to use the cure tier you want, the lua will let you, it's just an addition, it doesn't force you to use the macro, if you don't use them, everything works as a regular lua.

Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Your "which debuff to remove w.e macro" I assume is a one buton fits all using a Lua Command, this I like however there's going to be instances where say, based on the type of class decides which debuff I would remove i.e. Melee, Petrified > Slow > Para > where as a healer would want Silena > Petrified (No point stona-ing if they're silenced and no Echo drops) where as if they have echo drops, I'd sooner Stone > paralyna etc. That is a macro destined for a fail due becoming too reliant on it, nice idea however.
I made it priority based, for whatever job targeted, the priority will be to remove doom. Then it'll check other buff in a specific order(improvable) depending on the job.

Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Another issue with your "Auto Cure changer" what if say I'm wanting to Overcure a tank for the addeed Cureskin effect for a slightly bigger buffer? Your macro again kills that, assume it's not a seperate Lua command and not a "cancel spell" command in all instances.
If you want to cure VI the tank, you can cure VI the tank lol, the macro doesn't kill anything, just use cure VI, lol.

Cerberus.Conagh said: »
The Self Buff macro is dumb. If you're going to the extent of making a macro to re apply BUFFS THAT HAVE DROPPED, when you should be able to maintain them at all times, thats kinda meh, what would be better however is if you added chat alerts with souneffects in echo when you have say 7 seconds, that lets you finish a spell and then re-apply any buff using your macro that has less than 10 seconds on the timers duration but Keep your priority order on the command, that would be more useful and certainly assist with forgetful players.
Yeah that's a good idea, will try it.

Cerberus.Conagh said: »
No Auto-Sublimation rule? I have one although that is totally Automated and bot like.
Auto-sublimation is totally botlike, you don't have to do anything just watch it doing itself. I can add an echo message which advise you when sublimation is ready to be hit.

Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Your issue with the "priority" system bugs out fyi, I tried it a while back and it doesn't work 100% of the time, could never ID why but it was checking party member strut data and that wasn't always 100% accurate. You would also need an exclusion rule for that person being a priority if you are out of casting range as it would then prevent you from using it on someone else as a result and you could then get caught in a perpetual cancel spell loop until you complete the cast on said target, which as detailed easrlier, has issues because Lua can't check the distance of another player until the action is attempted by which point it is too late unless you intend to create a Lua.PLugin timer with a couple of millisecond delay to be run after this before then defining which target to target.

Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Aye it's easily doable, just making sure the options for automation have an off button otherwise that could go horribly wrong! [Edit: I personally prefer to have full control unless it's job point farming, or mundane boring as *** ***so I would prefer and off option rather than another toggle to force mp efficiency]

If you're REALLY OCD you could make a NM Target based Priority System for what debuffs you need to remove, although I'm not sure how well this works when you're not targetting the mob.... You could probably prioritize an Enfeebling Priority system based on NM's however Very easily.

As I tried to say, you have full control, the macros are here for "assistance", they won't kill the way you play the job.
For example, you can play high endgame as usual, and do CP/Silt farm with the macros, to make it simpler.

Thank you for your experience, and your sense of sharing. Gonna check what I can improve or remove from it.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-28 18:07:41
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Wait, how did you get it to check for the other players distance from your cure target? I could never find the right code for it and I seeked helped from some very knowledgeable people!

What I meant with regards to the "changes Lyna spells etc" is that Even if you use the macro/command you have for it, if your target does not receive the lyna spell due to distance/stun etc (there's an interupt code available for the latter) your gearswap will continue to cancel every spell for the next 10 seconds - Byrth had to add a kill timer of 10 seconds I believe after I flagged the bug originally. I'm not sure if he found a fix for it, but I've not seen a change to this part of gearswap. This will result in you getting VERY pissed if a tank suddenly dies because you're locked up.

With respect to Sublimation - Yes the Automation of it using itself is meh, but you can add a variable MP total tic count code into the Sublimation Rule for alerts only to let you know the most optimal time to use the Ability once charged - the reasoning behind this if you get say a HP+ Buff your sublimation Max potential is increased, and vica versa from HP down, you could make a rule to inform you how much MP you need/will get to maximum usage out of it and not waste or oversave it needlessly, just a QoL idea.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maddog
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2015-09-28 19:59:44
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Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Burns MP on Cure 4.
cure 4 costs mp?
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2015-09-29 00:52:15
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I dont think he wants WHM to be a BOT
However, he is sugesting some stuff that be helpful yes..... but at the same time, does make WHM a bot :(

how about we change some of the stuff this addon will do to make it better in several ways

Such as: a WARNING POPS UP for WHM (Really big on screen) saying

"Player C has CURSE on"

and allows WHM to choose "To cursna" or "Not to Cursna"

that way it is not a BOT Program but a WHM Helper.

I got several other ideas but gonna talk to him PERSONALLY About it ^^
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2015-09-29 09:41:34
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Cerberus.Maeldiar said: »
Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Burns MP on Cure 4.
cure 4 costs mp?

Don't be an *** Maeldiar! It was an example!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1344
By Asura.Pergatory 2015-09-29 18:29:41
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This thread makes me weep for the Gearswap generation of WHMs.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Ninjaface
Posts: 227
By Quetzalcoatl.Ninjaface 2015-09-29 19:10:32
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“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [55 days between previous and next post]
Server: Phoenix
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user: MiavPigen
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By Phoenix.Gaiarorshack 2015-11-23 08:23:40
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-- edit ---
DOH necro