Struggling With Gearing Up WHM And Stuff

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Struggling with gearing up WHM and stuff
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Granis25
Posts: 53
By Ragnarok.Granis 2013-05-31 19:32:14
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So, I'm not exactly an FFXI veteran (WHM is only only level 99 job ATM) but I keep falling behind and, because I didn't gear up quickly enough before Adoulin came out (and killed everyone's interest in Abby) I'm finding it hard to get my gear level high enough in order to do any other events outside of abby.

Let me explain, Most if not all WHM benefit a lot from having at least some +2 Orison. (At least a +2 body and a +2 legs) ANd getting certain pieces of gear for a WHM to do well can prove difficult (I was sucessful in building an Arka IV, but people still tease me not not wearing any +2 Orison.) There are other pieces from Abby (or other pre-Adoulin endgame, but things like Salvage and NNI have almost as high gear requirements as Adoulin stuff.) that would be beneficial to a WHM (like the ever elusive Serpentes gear, Orison Locket, Shinryu neck, etc.) But it's hard to get your abby gear when other folks won't get much out of it, since people don't want to touch Aby anymore. Getting a shout for +2 items, or Karkadann for Locket, or for Atmas, or even just clears to get to Shinryu is an uphill battle now, and it seems like I have a hard time accomplishing anything unless LSmates help. I hate feeling like a leech to my LS, feeling like a constantly complain until I get help, (even though I don't think I ask too much.) and want to get things done on my own, too...

It doesn't help matters that like 90 percent of Orvail gear stinks. (literally the only good piece for WHM are the feet, as the MND is solid for Curaga and other things, and the legs would only be used for Fast Cast) It's frustrating that any DD that hits 99 can go spam supply runs in Adoulin and get an amazing set of gear (Kariyeh, Thaumas.) and can avoid Abbysea entirely and probably go to non-abby events to get stand-ins for AF3+2 (such as Salvage+1 or NNI gear or Augmented Dyna gear) Yet a WHM can't do that. What sucks is that makes those same DDs and such not want to do Abby, which means I get stuck in a rut.

Occasioally my LS invites me to an event, but I feel like such a gimp compared to everyone else and feel like I'm having a rough time learning my job, that I'm letting everyone down.

To give you an idea of how gimp my gear is, This is the "potency/MND/Enchancing" mishmash I switch into before a spell finishes. (don't have seperate full gearsets for Cure Potency, Enhancing Skill, and MND yet. Plus I'm still kind of confused how to get SPellcast to change your gear depending on the spells you cast, like switching into full Enhancing stuff when Enhancing, or the cure stuff when curing.)

ItemSet 302853

This is what little idle gear I have. (the blank slots denote slots I don't have Idle stuff for and use stuff from my normal sets.)

ItemSet 302855

And this is what I switch into pre-cast for Fast Cast/Haste/precast stuff: (same deal, limited pieces. I know the Turban and Blessed mitts are pretty bad and need replacements.)

ItemSet 302856
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Leauce
Posts: 69
By Cerberus.Leauce 2013-05-31 19:51:05
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Not sure if there was a question there, but from the sound of it, your ls isn't very supportive and you should find a new one. Maybe even a new server if you can't get aid with things.
Cerb isn't too bad w/ finding help if you shout. I actually have the same issue w/ my ls, where it's tough to get anyone to help w/ anything pre-adoulin. If I shouted, I'd proly find enough ppl, I just hate shouting.
You just have to meet the right people; if no one in your ls isn't wanting to help you improve your char so that you can be of more help to yourself and them, then shout for aide, make new friends, switch servers if you have to. Move to cerb, look me up if you have to! w.
Don't get discouraged.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Thorbean
Posts: 397
By Phoenix.Thorbean 2013-05-31 20:07:47
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For specific rules for specific types/spells:

<if type="EnhancingMagic">
<if spell="Whatever">
<equip when="precast" set="FastCast" />
<equip when="midcast" set="SpellSetName" />
<elseif spell="WhateverElse">
<equip when="precast" set="FastCast" />
<equip when="midcast" set="OtherSetName" />

etc. etc.

type="HealingMagic" for -na's/cures etc.

Orvail body is 2/tick refresh if you can afford it. For serp feet, you really wanna try to find a friend with thf to ease your pain. On the bright side, it's a very easy fight and the pop is fairly painless to get.

On Phoenix, we have a guy called Toz who shouts daily offering help to anyone who needs it. Always makes me smile :D.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: flywacket
Posts: 44
By Cerberus.Mirril 2013-05-31 20:07:47
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Cerberus.Leauce said: »
Cerb isn't too bad w/ finding help if you shout.

This makes me wonder just HOW BAD the other servers are about helping people...
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: flywacket
Posts: 44
By Cerberus.Mirril 2013-05-31 20:24:58
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ItemSet 300951

ItemSet 302858

Basic cure potency and fast cast sets. A lot of pieces can be purchased on the auction house.

I hate to suggest leveling another job to help you get WHM gear, but when in doubt, there's always BST :3

I just copypasta my rules for you:

It is by no means good or complete, but I hope it helps give some kind of idea of how to write your stuff in spellcast to get it to swap properly.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Granis25
Posts: 53
By Ragnarok.Granis 2013-05-31 21:04:50
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I do have a nice social LS and stuff that helps me occasionally, it's just sometimes things don't go well on a run (which could be my fault, but I'm having a hard time guaging my success as a WHM) or they get busy. (they do a LOT of events for a social shell. Lots of Salvage, Lots of Skirmish, lots of Dyna farms, Voidwatches, just not so much on the Abby front.) To be fair, though, it's a pretty small shell.

I guess I could level another job to help finance my WHM stuff (particularly the expensive stuff I'd have a hard time making money for, like a Roundel.) But I'd have no idea of what DD job would be good for me to learn. Was going to do SMN, but someone in my LS said that leveling it up and gearing it is a waste of time since SMN is not a very good job for anything ATM.

There's so many DD jobs I could go unlock and level, I'm just not sure which to pick up and take all the way and gear. It's why I felt like I needed to stick with WHM for a while before making a big leap.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Granis25
Posts: 53
By Ragnarok.Granis 2013-05-31 21:05:27
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Also thank you for the Spellcast info! I'll keep it in mind once I actually have the gear for seperate sets.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: flywacket
Posts: 44
By Cerberus.Mirril 2013-06-01 10:18:18
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I would have to agree with your LS mate that lvling SMN would be expensive and a waste compared to other options.

SMN is very much a hobby job at this point, I think most people who play it do so for fun. I spent MORE money and time getting SMN geared to a laughably useable level than my other jobs. 99% of the time everyone wants me on WHM anyway.

If you're going to lvl a job to help you get WHM gear, make sure it's a solo job (BLU or BST). There are lots of DD jobs that work well but they need a WHM partner to be effective at anything.

(Yay for catch 22 loops)

YW for the spellcast. I believe there are WHM threads around the forums for your further education if you need to know more. :3
Posts: 31
By Anberlin 2013-06-01 10:44:33
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Come to Cerb, I will help you finish your whm stuff.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 31
By Bahamut.Blackmagus 2013-06-01 11:19:26
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Here is the whm spellcast I use, It's pretty great
Also I would suggest you shout for +2 parties, they aren't as hard to get as they seem, and look up which Voidwatch gear/nm's you need so you can keep an eye on shouts, best of luck!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Ghishlain
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-06-01 15:04:54
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I would recommend using Noble's Tunic until you can round out your potency set a bit more as that will give you a bit more mileage over AF3+2. If you still don't have feet by the time I get back to Ragnarok (by about the end of June), I feel quite confident in my ability to kill Brooder for you during Blunt proc time for Blue (I've never actually tried yet,to be honest). Might be able to kill Myrmecoleon for an Owleyes for you too to help round out that idle set you have as well.

Unfortunately for WHMs, there are so many random pieces that you need to collect from a variety of different events that it's hard to keep up if you don't have a good group of friends who wants to do things with ya.

If you can get more into the upper echelon of WHM cure potency gear, I'd recommend start trying to get into Delve shouts for Plasma and KIs for gear. T1-T3 clears for Ceizak will give you the ability to purchase Bokwus Gloves which are an easy 13% potency and will help you round out the cure set nicely. Once you have Bowkus Gloves, you can pretty much forgo Roundel for now and pick it up later if you feel the 5% in a single slot will allow you more skill/MND/VIT in other slots.

Just as an aside, Haste doesn't give you anything for your cast times. It only makes your recasts shorter, so you don't need them for your pre-cast setups. cleric's cap +2 grants a -10% Cure Cast time and if you can get your hand on Cure clogs, that'll help too. ^^

Don't get discouraged, the level of entry for any new player is steep because everything from that era is 'easy' for them now, but they are certainly difficult for any entry-level player. Just do your best and get help where you can, as a White Mage is an invaluable asset to any party/alliance once they're properly geared and experienced.
Posts: 779
By itchi508 2013-06-01 15:25:30
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Seems more like you need to /sh make your own groups for what you want. Whm is just as needed as a DD. in most any case a Whm fits in the party whether it be dyna salvage NNI Aby or even SoA. We DDs need healers.

My advice is /sh make your own runs.
Find new server or just a new LS
Also when doin aby farming, your Whm so you have a easy job. Just /sh for a NiN or THf & a BLM. As Whm u can duo all of abysea from Seals,+2s to Emps & any NM. Don't get yourself down just make a list of what you want/need and do a lil research on the NM or content u wish to run. Same with Reives! Just go roaming find people or /sh team up and get balyd.
Make your own groups don't wait for anyone to help you. Sometime LS can slow u down.

Also events that are going to be hard to get people for is Aby & VW. Those where dead before SoA even came out but since the release it died even more. Keep leading your runs and you'll get it complete. And if anyone shits in you for your gear, tell em to get fkd.
As Long as you no your job. Stay on buff/debuffs then your a good Whm. Gear doesn't make the player it only enhances there capabilities.