Until I can finish Rhongomiant, which lance is better? Or should I work on an OaT lance until Rhongomiant is finished?
But, I've already purchased Ereptor and Patentia to test out. So, Ereptor or Patentia? Unfortunately, I can't afford the other one, Chanar Xyston, so going to stick to one of these two. One commented that the 480 delay on the Ereptor kills hit builds, but has 1 more damage and Drain TP plus Attack +17. The other has 1 less damage but higher delay (492) and Attack +15.
I couldn't find definite answers in search, so looking for feedback and suggestions. Thank you.
Also, take note, I've just gotten back from a two year hiatus from the game, and I'm still trying to figure out what's good and what's not for my various jobs. I'm sure a lot of things has changed since 2011 job-wise. Heck, RDM is a dead job now according to a lot of people I've talked to since I came back.