August 2023 Version Update

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August 2023 Version Update
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: bizarro
Posts: 231
By Bahamut.Bizarro 2023-08-13 19:16:37
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Did anyone find the new memloc for Kparse?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6138
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2023-08-13 19:29:37
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2023-08-16 15:33:23
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Tarage said: »
Asura.Byrne said: »
Tarage said: »
It's both amusing and infuriating to watch people who have zero professional coding experience claim that a change is "just flip a 0 to a 1". You fundamentally don't understand programming and need to shut up.

While it's fair to say it's more complex than simply flipping a 1 to a 0, it is the case that all is needed is a boolean check for either quest progress or the S4 primes, then offer an option to have it on or off.

So it was oversimplified, but not completely off-base.

I say that because both the normal and hard versions of the encounter already exist, the question remains to be answered if they will do something more complex than having you select a difficulty at the start of the Sortie; as if that's their solution it probably could have been achieved comfortably in a two-week timespan, even by a single programmer, assuming it's a professional (with necessary privs) and not just some guy from the broom closet.

There are loads of other battlefields and instances they could borrow code from, and let's not pretend for a second that they don't do that.

You are assuming this based on never seeing the code. The variable might be hardcoded, or referenced in multiple places. Or rely on network calls that would override the variable, if it even is one.

Without seeing the actual code it is impossible to tell how complicated the fix is. Stop talking about things you have never done.

I will give you a concrete example. I worked on Minecraft for a while last year. Beacons can shoot a light beam into the sky that can have its color changed if a glass block is placed above it. A solid blick deletes the beam. I wanted to see how hard it would be to make light pass through the tinted glass blick which is marked in game files to be translucent but acted like an opaque block. Turns out the list of blocks able to have the beam pass through was hardcoded in the function for building the beam. Changing it was not a simple fix, which explains why they never fixed it. You cannot know how much work needs to happen to fix something unless you can actually look at the code, or modify the code. Period.

I feel like I should be posting a link to the wiki page for the Dunning Kruger effect. Not only is your argument wrong, your example shows that you don't understand Minecraft either. In Minecraft, there are multiple variables for transparency, "block" transparency which affects whether redstone signals can pass through, and "light" transparency, which affects whether sky light, and block light can pass through. Beacon BEAMS are not light sources (even though the beacon block itself does produce light). The part that you apparently couldn't wrap your brain around is that tinted glass was specifically designed to not let light through, that was its SOLE purpose. Nonetheless, these blocks are still considered "transparent" for redstone purposes. So you misunderstood the categories, then assumed that I must understand less about it than you, after all I'm a guy that disagrees with you on the internet!

Edit: I should admit, this doesn't quite capture the issue he was bringing up, but even if you have to look into an interaction of two blocks like tinted glass and a beacon, and it's beam... that's 3 levels of abstraction, counterintuitive for sure, but not exactly two weeks worth of professional programmer time. I do apologize for being a *** about it though since I was wrong about the specific example you gave (haven't really played Minecraft much since 2016 or so). I'll still leave up my original response though even though I don't totally agree with it.

In the future, keep the topic FFXI related, or for my sanity, related to something you at least understand properly.

Or the Minecraft nonsense aside, because it's completely immaterial to what we were even talking about... Even if it is the case that you can point to some complicated scenario in some other game, that doesn't mean that every instance of adding something to a game is equally as complex. In this case, we are discussing a change that was already announced to be released in the September update. Frankly, it would be weirder if they made those changes go live before they said they would; I doubt it has to do with the complexity of the task itself.