Adjustments To Max HP

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Adjustments to Max HP
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: esdain
Posts: 1154
By Valefor.Esdain 2013-05-30 21:42:05
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Okay, so I heard a while back that some JP were making a fuss over max HP and I think SE made a comment about it. If anyone remembers that and could find a link to it, that would be swell. Anyway, this was right around when Legion was going on (well, it was the new thing). I guess how it went was a bunch of Japanese players with Taru characters were bitc*ing on their forums about how they were getting 1-shotted too easily.

Warp ahead to now. Is anyone else like me in that they're about sick of these new monster's abilties to drop 3x debuffs on every member of your party and /then/ are able to 1 or 2-shot party members? It's like what do they want the WHM doing? At times I have to just let my party be enfeebled because I learned that if I'm not keeping people's HP topped off completely, they get shanked. Turns out their DPS drops to zero when they're dead. /THEN/ I get the DD bitc*ing at me for their debuffs making them parse badly and I'm thinking: Okay, do you want to be alive and swinging, even if paralyzed, blinded, and cursed, or do you want to be dead... 'cause there are 2 or 3 other people in the party with those debuffs too and I'll get to it when I can, but sheesh. I /also/ have to keep HP topped off.

Now this might invite the "Well maybe WHM isn't the job for you" comments. No. WHM and I get along quite well. I'm not the best, but I'm also not an abyssea-burnt person. Every skill I have is capped blue. I have a complete spell list. I've had events where I've done amazingly flawless and people are impressed. However, everyone is going to have accidents and people are gonna get hate when they aren't in their hybrid or DT- sets when I'm trying to keep haste on someone or cast erase on someone or whatever else randomly is going on at the moment. God forbid a little bit of communication breakdown or a lag spike hits 'cause then shi* really can go wrong. We can't all have Yagrush.

Anyway, in these days of strong monsters knocking off big chunks of HP quickly /and/ debuffing entire alliances with their TP moves, is it too much to ask for SquareEnix to increase the max HP of players so we WHMs get a little breathing room and/or room for error and/or room to do more than just spam Curaga and Cures?

Server: Leviathan
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user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2013-05-30 21:51:18
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get a yagrush or make the brd and cor remove debuffs

also, melee should be carrying panacea and remedies in case the mage is busy

hp #1 priority

(or tell your melee to all reroll galka, the only patch that'd really work is a rescale so that other melee are less behind galka, notably increasing max hp across the board would just make everything a joke when using galka)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: feifei
Posts: 956
By Bahamut.Feisei 2013-05-30 21:56:52
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Id love more HP as a taru! Funny...i started as a rdm thinking "im a taru! avesta was a taru!" now im main war and well yea. 12/12 hp merits only go so far
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Arkanethered 2013-05-30 22:11:04
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I'm down with more hp for everyone. But it will essentially boil down to DDs needing to drop the princess mentality that started in toau and peaked in abyssea.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: hotkarl
Posts: 520
By Ragnarok.Hotkarl 2013-05-30 22:31:53
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I lvld whm for utility, and after playing a bit I learned to keep my DD mouth shut and appreciate all the work my poor healer is doing. Because god only knows, I don't wanna play that job lol, props to all you whm's! As far as the OP goes, am I the only one that thought "if JP's didn't all play taru, they wouldn't have that problem" ....
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Sekundes
Posts: 4189
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2013-05-30 22:40:11
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Even if they give us more hp, they'll just make mobs hit harder. Though I would still accept this since it's kinda dumb that get so little hp in the later levels.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Eriina
Posts: 294
By Ragnarok.Eriina 2013-05-30 22:41:24
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Do you prefer /rdm or /sch in delve?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: esdain
Posts: 1154
By Valefor.Esdain 2013-05-30 22:44:35
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I /SCH with a 5 tick from equipment refresh & 47% Cure Pot build. I badly need a Heka's Kalasiris. 6/tic when I swap out Arka IV for Owleyes. I swear Wivre Hairpin and Stearc Subligar refresh augments are worth the effort you put in to get them. You can go for what seems like ages longer with them. They're also All Jobs, so /WHM becomes viable for just put'n around everywhere with teleports ready to get you back to Grounds of Valor books to warp ya home. Very handy utility pieces. Off-topic, but yeah. Very useful.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: detlef
Posts: 412
By Valefor.Philemon 2013-05-30 22:46:20
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Definitely make a Yagrush, and if you can do it by tomorrow that'd be great. Also I'm gonna need you to come in Sunday too.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Echandra
Posts: 546
By Asura.Echandra 2013-05-30 22:46:23
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Asura.Arkanethered said: »
I'm down with more hp for everyone. But it will essentially boil down to DDs needing to drop the princess mentality that started in toau and peaked in abyssea.

This so much. HEY GUYZ I got last resort/souleater/berserk up and I expect you to just keep cure bombing me with cure V and VI b/c you have unlimited mp and 50/tick refresh!! Gotta win the parse!! Hey why am I dying?! where's my fanatic's or brew?! Q.Q

If I see the DD laying on the ground dead and they're not in turtle gear or doing their part to stay alive...there are very few mobs that will just outright one-shot you, and you know when you're getting hit by the mob(right?). But eh it goes both ways...on the same token a mage that has full mp, seeing you drop to red and you cast... cure II? OR seeing something stupid like someone para/blinded/silenced and you cast blindna first when removing the other two status might open up the chance for that dd/tank to use abilities to save themselves <_<

Raising max HP sounds clever at first, but then that to me defeats the dynamics and challenge of being a different race, and just sticks the content back in abyssea mindset mode. With all the gears and options to merit boost your stats this shouldn't be an issue. If you're a taru waving your epeen around and your hp is an issue... oops? Part of the challenge is working around the status effects these mobs give anyway. While weakened definitely is up there on the suck list, your frontline jobs should have enough sense to be prepared and react accordingly.

If not...welp that's what raise/arise and homepointing is for!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-05-30 22:49:15
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Earthen armor/sentinel's scherzo exists for a reason. Things are fine as they are.

If anything, things got so stupid with abyssea primarily because HP got too high. The absurd amount of damage output was only secondary, in my opinion. People got lazy, overall skill dropped and the game shifted into easy mode.

Similar to how DDs become stronger with gear and experience, WHMs can also be better WHMs with gear/experience.

You should do that rather than ask SE to make the game easier for you.

By the way, talking about your capped skill and your complete spell list doesn't instill alot of confidence in you.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: feifei
Posts: 956
By Bahamut.Feisei 2013-05-30 22:51:23
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One thing I do hate is when the Whm tells me the war to stop gear swapping so much...
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Eriina
Posts: 294
By Ragnarok.Eriina 2013-05-30 22:53:41
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In PTs I join, it's pretty standard fare that the setup is

DD DD DD brd Cor whm(or sch)

And the leader will tell each of brd Cor whm to be in charge of hasting 1 DD, and to call it out in pt speak before entering. Is this common?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Ghishlain
Posts: 63
By Carbuncle.Ghishlain 2013-05-30 22:58:08
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I think the HP discussion as a whole is needed eventually because of the fact that, sooner or later, SE cannot increase the damage we can take because we've hit our HP limit (unless they decide another level increase). Unlike other MMOs, you can't put +HP on gear because this game revolves around gear swaps, so unless every single piece of new gear comes with +15-+30 HP, we'll never see an upper limit increase of HP.

Thus this leads to the fact the one of the ways to make NMs more difficult short of them hitting harder is to give them more annoying TP moves or spells that debilitate. As I go through more and more events, I keep wishing more and more often that I actually owned a Yagrush to keep up with the massive amount of enfeebles flying all over the place.

Sure, we can Accession, but we only get two charges of that (three if you include Divine Seal), and if you need to use multiple Erases, you're waiting 15 seconds between casts with each Accession charge (and can lead to death if Erase doesn't remove something like HP down). This in turn starts taxing WHMs to an extreme level of micro management. HP > all, but when people start to complaining you're not doing your job without them understanding why you aren't removing enfeebles yet, it becomes quite frustrating.

The best advice I can give in this regard is just take each mob at a time and understand what they can and cannot do. WHMs have been given quite a very potent enfeeble mitigation tool in the form of Divine Caress. Using that to your advantage (combine with AF3+2 hands and either Accession or Divine Seal) will help reduce the level of micro management you'll need to perform to keep a party healthy and fighting.

Hydra Mobs - Accession + Cursna
T4 Foret Orboron - Accession + Paralyna (as it has more TP moves that inflict Paralyze versus other status effects)
Cerberus Mobs - Accession + Paralyna
Mastop - Accession + Stona

etc... etc... there are only one or two particularly debilitating effects that I've seen thus far where you need to keep them off, 100% of the time, and Divine Caress is a great way to do that.

Just keep on soldiering on, White Mages.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-05-30 23:00:11
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Also, I'm confused. Why do you only have 5mp/tick in refresh gear? Why do you idle in Arka IV? Why do you only have 47% cure potency? Cure potency is stupidly easy to cap out. And why do you badly need a Heka? It's only a precast item; you can make due with Anhur(which you should have) or marduk body(+1)/Eirene's Manteel.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: esdain
Posts: 1154
By Valefor.Esdain 2013-05-30 23:04:37
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Bismarck.Ihina said: »
By the way, talking about your capped skill and your complete spell list doesn't instill alot of confidence in you.

I'm a bit curious as to why? Mostly it's just to say I have more than just Raise 1 and have used my spells (or in the case of divine magic, skilled it on it's own) enough to cap them. It's like saying "I was doing this before having a pocket WHM became common".

I'm sorry if you don't have confidence in me and want to jump on the blame-abyssea bandwagon. It's an easy scapegoat for why people play their jobs horribly. There were others of us that back-in-the-day only geared and merited for a 'main' job instead of having all 99s.

Anyway, I don't see anyone getting hurt by discussing this in a forum on a FFXI site. The only problem is the people that make the calls on the direction of what adjustments they plan on making don't speak English as a native language so this won't be viewed by them. With that thinking though, nearly all the posts on here could be viewed as a waste of the time of the person creating the post...

...much like this reply is.

Bismarck.Ihina said: »
Why do you only have 5mp/tick in refresh gear?

I can put on 6. I have 5 when I swap out for a cure.

Bismarck.Ihina said: »
Why do you idle in Arka IV?

If I'm idle I have a nice dt- & refresh set on.

Bismarck.Ihina said: »
Why do you only have 47% cure potency?

I can change things around to get 50%. The extra 3% is mostly lost in what I have now due to overcuring.

Bismarck.Ihina said: »
And why do you badly need a Heka?

Because it's a good piece and it's a free piece which /would be/ easy to obtain, if the shi**y drop rate wasn't holding me back from having on. *shrugs*
Posts: 122
By Dantedmc 2013-05-30 23:06:14
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Asura.Echandra said: »
Raising max HP sounds clever at first, but then that to me defeats the dynamics and challenge of being a different race, and just sticks the content back in abyssea mindset mode. With all the gears and options to merit boost your stats this shouldn't be an issue.

It's not really a challenge rather a huge disadvantage. A taru war/Sam is at a 200 hp difference from hume and a 445 hp difference from galka that can never be made up. 200 Hp can be the difference between red hp and death. There is no "boost your stats", if a taru can wear it, anyone else can wear it too and will be better off for it. The variance between taru and everyone else's hp needs to be decreased and a small increase in hp for everyone wouldn't hurt.

Though a bigger issue IMO is the fact that SE thinks every tp move needs to do over 1000 damage AoE and cause a ton of status ailments. AoE Zombie, 5 count doom etc. is just unfair. This just encourages things like PD zerg or stun rotations.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-05-30 23:07:49
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I'm a bit curious as to why?

Because these things are expected of you. You shouldn't place pride in something that you should be doing anyways.

It's like telling people what a moral person you are by saying you didn't murder anyone on the way home from school today.

If that's your threshold, then you have a long way to go until you're caught up.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: esdain
Posts: 1154
By Valefor.Esdain 2013-05-30 23:21:47
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Bismarck.Ihina said: »
I'm a bit curious as to why?

Because these things are expected of you. You shouldn't place pride in something that you should be doing anyways.

It's like telling people what a moral person you are by saying you didn't murder anyone on the way home from school today.

If that's your threshold, then you have a long way to go until you're caught up.

You're probably right. It's nothing to take pride in and it's quite common. I have a long way to go until I'm caught up.

Seeing that person's next reply after this post pretty much means this thread is derailed and can serve no purpose. I could reply with my 50% cure potency build, my refresh, haste, idle, melee, or any other hybrid set, but i'm not going to take the time. I don't think they understood that 47% was in a hybrid build with both near capped cure potency /and/ a 5 tic refresh at the same time. I can get a 6/ tic from equipment alone. I can get 50% cure pot with gear. *eye roll* Oh well. Thread derailed and I'm sleepy.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-05-30 23:32:55
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I think capping out your cure potency would be a bit more impressive.

And capping cure potency is stupidly easy to do.
Posts: 1048
By macsdf1 2013-05-30 23:49:57
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All main whm should have yagrush by now.

No excuse to *** about dd when you're not even a top of the line whm yourself. There are plenty of mules better geared than your capped all blue skills whm.

And hell no to making hps equal. Taru should be mages not DD. If youwanted to DD you shouldn't have made a taru in the first place.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-05-31 00:01:30
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You were the one who decided to comment and drag out a minor side remark that I made. You did asked me to elaborate on the side remark, remember? And then you were the one who furthered it by posting a picture of all your combat skills. And now you're the one complaining that your thread is now derailed.

If you want to blame anyone for having this thread derailed, it's all on you. I hope I've made it clear that I couldn't care less about your complete spell list or capped combat skill
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: esdain
Posts: 1154
By Valefor.Esdain 2013-05-31 00:03:05
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macsdf1 said: »
All main whm should have yagrush by now.

Because all other people should have their primary job's mythics 'cause they're just so easy to obtain. Granted, it is probably the best one due to the benefits it gives the WHMs that have them, but just because they have been out for years now doesn't mean everyone can obtain one. My primary hurdle is Assaults.

macsdf1 said: »
No excuse to *** about dd when you're not even a top of the line whm yourself. There are plenty of mules better geared than your capped all blue skills whm.

macsdf1 said: »
And hell no to making hps equal.

Where did I say make everyone's HP equal? I just wanted like a 500+ boost to everyone just so there is a bit more breathing room to do other things than spam cure to keep people topped off. God forbid we take advantage of our spell list and use anything other than healing magic. Maybe I want to cast a Boost-STR spell sometime.

Bismarck.Ihina said: »
You were the one who decided to comment and drag out a minor side remark that I made. You did asked me to elaborate on the side remark, remember? And then you were the one who furthered it by posting a picture of all your combat skills. And now you're the one complaining that your thread is now derailed.

If you want to blame anyone for having this thread derailed, it's all on you. I hope I've made it clear that I couldn't care less about your complete spell list or capped combat skill

Did I say /you/ derailed it? Someone has an it's-all-about-me complex, don't they?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Bismarck.Raistlinratt 2013-05-31 00:03:47
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macsdf1 said: »
All main whm should have yagrush by now.

No excuse to *** about dd when you're not even a top of the line whm yourself. There are plenty of mules better geared than your capped all blue skills whm.

And hell no to making hps equal. Taru should be mages not DD. If youwanted to DD you shouldn't have made a taru in the first place.

I hate you. I made the character at NA launch how many years ago? I started as a RDM, now i'm one of the best DDs on the server, but am limited on certain things by my HP. They made the game so you can level multiple roles and not just "mages". With the amount of refresh you can achieve, max MP means less and less, while the damage of monsters goes higher and higher....making max HP more important.

give me race change if you don't want to lessen the HP penalty! i'll pay 25bucks no problem. Why hate on tarus getting a race change or small bump in HP? Quit being a tool. No one knew exactly what would happen with the game when we made our taru characters. Back then MP and INT meant something, BLMs were a lot more useful. It's not even close to the same 'meta' as before.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-05-31 00:23:27
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Did I say /you/ derailed it? Someone has an it's-all-about-me complex, don't they?

I think you forgot that you said this:

Seeing that person's next reply after this post pretty much means this thread is derailed

Why do you have a hybrid cure/refresh set btw?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: esdain
Posts: 1154
By Valefor.Esdain 2013-05-31 00:42:05
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I don't really want to continue playing passive-aggressive quote wars with you all night, Ihina... so I won't. I did forget I said that so it seems I was blaming you on derailing the initial purpose of why I posted this thread. It seems I have myself to blame for being drawn away from discussion on it when I got defensive about the little-faith comment. It seems the general replies to my thoughts on wanting extra HP seemed to be summed up like: Suck less. Your WHM is bad and you should feel bad.


Why do I have cure and refresh on at the same time for delve? No particular reason. I wasn't setting out to put that gear together that way. I wasn't trying to say having a blended set was good. I'm not even sure why I mentioned it.

I am still proud of my blue numbers because it was a lot of work. I was just looking for a reason to post 'em somewhere. *shrugs*
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Fasaga
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Fasaga 2013-05-31 00:48:20
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Valefor.Esdain said: »
Bismarck.Ihina said: »
I'm a bit curious as to why?

Because these things are expected of you. You shouldn't place pride in something that you should be doing anyways.

It's like telling people what a moral person you are by saying you didn't murder anyone on the way home from school today.

If that's your threshold, then you have a long way to go until you're caught up.

You're probably right. It's nothing to take pride in and it's quite common. I have a long way to go until I'm caught up.

Seeing that person's next reply after this post pretty much means this thread is derailed and can serve no purpose. I could reply with my 50% cure potency build, my refresh, haste, idle, melee, or any other hybrid set, but i'm not going to take the time. I don't think they understood that 47% was in a hybrid build with both near capped cure potency /and/ a 5 tic refresh at the same time. I can get a 6/ tic from equipment alone. I can get 50% cure pot with gear. *eye roll* Oh well. Thread derailed and I'm sleepy.
Coming from someone with a zero in throwing skill, I think that the full blue box is something you should be proud of as a personal goal. (Didn't really read any other part of the thread tho).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Echandra
Posts: 546
By Asura.Echandra 2013-05-31 00:52:26
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Dantedmc said: »
Asura.Echandra said: »
Raising max HP sounds clever at first, but then that to me defeats the dynamics and challenge of being a different race, and just sticks the content back in abyssea mindset mode. With all the gears and options to merit boost your stats this shouldn't be an issue.

It's not really a challenge rather a huge disadvantage. A taru war/Sam is at a 200 hp difference from hume and a 445 hp difference from galka that can never be made up. 200 Hp can be the difference between red hp and death. There is no "boost your stats", if a taru can wear it, anyone else can wear it too and will be better off for it. The variance between taru and everyone else's hp needs to be decreased and a small increase in hp for everyone wouldn't hurt.

Though a bigger issue IMO is the fact that SE thinks every tp move needs to do over 1000 damage AoE and cause a ton of status ailments. AoE Zombie, 5 count doom etc. is just unfair. This just encourages things like PD zerg or stun rotations.

Of course it's a disadvantage! that's one of the things you consider when you pick your race right? There's an hp gap you'll never cross and a STR, VIT, DEX gap depending on what race you're comparing to that will never be broken. Yes the same gear access means *gasp* that galka might not need to wear that extra gear b/c his hp can soak it up and the taru might have to think about it if he wants to walk away in one piece. You do have the option to chip at this with merits which is better than nothing. If everyone was exactly the same and it was only a cosmetic difference what would be the point in picking your race?

I agree with you a lot of these status effect dumps seems unfair, but overcoming those challenges is part of the game right? There are very few things out there that the damage can't be mitigated in someway to survive regardless of your race. Who wants to fight something where there isn't the challenge of possibly losing or dying? If everything I fought in this game just keeled over after a few swings of whatever, wouldn't that be boring?
By 2013-05-31 00:53:15
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2013-05-31 00:57:32
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In the parties you're talking about, are the brds using Scherzo and SMN using Ward?

If not that's probably the main issue.

Are the DD using PDT sets? if not, then again there's your answer.

Don't know about anyone else but I have never been 1 shoted by a mob (short of them casting death) because I throw up a 45% PDt set (its gimp I know but meh it's sufficient and I'm not a DD main).

Comments about yagrush...

#1 When I see EVERY DD on server with a Mythic weapon, then I'll expect WHM's to have a Mythic. I'd argue its easier to make 10 relics than it it is 1 mythic.

#2 HP increase would be nice, but they gave us that with merits. They also got round it in Legion by loering the mobs levels.

#3 FFXIV was announced for August, who actually think's they will bother with updates on this game much more now? Honestly?

#4 She asked a Simple Question, she did not ask to be attacked by the internet trolls. I wonder what some of the higher ups who monitor the forums will think of the attack directly at someone asking an honest question.

#5 I also belive she said "i'm not the best WHM" so why expect her to be the top of her game?

That's an Elitest Attitude and needs to be changed, regardless, consider this an attempt to reduce the childish bickering, before someone gets reported for Cyber-bullying. (which holds a custodial prison sentence now in the UK)
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