Blazza said:
I think Tails is belaboring the foreign language point a little too much, but Kenage, perhaps next time Barrd says he's going to make a recruitment thread, you should offer to do it. I understand that English isn't his first language, but it is really hard to understand what he's trying to say lol.
Event: Dynamis Xarcabard.
Schedule: Every Friday, gather time: 6:30 pm(EST), start time: 7:00pm(EST)
Barrd is extremely punctual please be on time.
Admission fee: 0, free, nothing.
Trial: No trial, you can lot on your first run.
Lot Rule(Relic Artifact): as long as you can wear it you can lot it(aka Job in 75), you can lot more than one artifact per run(even if you already got one on the same run), search comment with your current jobs in 75 is required prior the run(please be ready to come as any listed job)
Lot Rule(Currency): Leader will gather all currency(which honestly isn't that much) including normal pieces and 100 pieces.
Lot Rule(Shadow Lord Gear): currently we aren't killing shadow lord, rules to lot on this gear will be defined later.
How do I get a pearl? contact me(Kenage) or Barrd in game.
But with these rules we are going to be too many >.<? our intention is to keep the a medium size group(25-35 members)
Please post additional questions in this tread, I will be more than happy to answer.