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Eorzea Time
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I'll probably get flamed, called crazy and everything else under the sun but I for one take pride in owning the original copy of whatever albums an artist releases on CD. It's unfortunate the artist receives less than a fraction of what the CD costs (probably as much as it cost to make it), but knowing I have the album, in it's entirety at maximum quality with given credits and album artwork and bonuses almost justifies the effort and money needed to get it.

Sure I could always torrent everything for free and get things months before they're actually released but seeing my love for music in a folder on my HD just doesn't do justice for me. I'll probably end up like John Cusak's character in High Fidelity with the walls and floors surrounded and towering filled with CDs and vinyl records, but until I can find a way to have compacted dedication and original works put together for my enjoyment, I'll keep buying CDs for archival, sentimental and aesthetic purposes.

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