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Eorzea Time
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i am a 75 blm, 75 pld, 75 thf, 75 smn and 66 mnk soon 75 in need of an english speaking LS.I craft the majority of my time playing, due to the fact that money interests me, and i have made it my personal vandetta to ban every one of those cheating RMT's straight to the Phantom zone. please let me join your shell :). i do like to help out people, and i love static parties. like i said, i love crafting/mining. and in my short time in Ragnarok, i have assisted in the banning of 3 RMTer's. (3 weeks total) i wonder who it will be this week. i have played ffxi for almost 5 years now so i am very knowlegeable in dynamis,sky, but for some reason, i cannot get past CoP 4-2. well, thats enough about me, dont want to waste my breath in case noone ever looks at these drastid things. see you ingame.
thx for your time.
btw: i moved servers so i could change my name, that is the only reason, i created my account 5 years ago w/ an automatic "Alfard" name. i finally decided to change it :).
take care.

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